Coleg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor and Busnes@LlandrilloMenai logosColeg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor and Busnes@LlandrilloMenai logos

Arts Students in Partnership with Award-winning Estate Agents

Art & Design students at Coleg Llandrillo’s Rhos-on-Sea campus have started work on a collection of bespoke poster designs which will be showcased in branches of a multi-award-winning North Wales estate agent.

The students, who are studying on the Foundation Studies in Art and Design course, are taking part in the commercial project in partnership with Williams Estates, and were commissioned recently to follow a brief to produce eye-catching window displays.

Jason Williams, proprietor of Williams Estates, outlined the brief, requesting that each student creates a commercial creative image on the theme ‘Home is Where the Heart is’. Jason will award £100 to the student with the most impressive design, and £50 each to the two runners-up. The creations will be displayed in the company’s LED light pocket window displays.

This is the 15th year that the estate agents have teamed up with the college’s Art & Design students.

The students will come up with a list of creative ideas, before utilising digital cameras and Apple iMac computers with Adobe creative digital software. As well as working individually on their own digital manipulations, the students will have to work together as a group with the client, developing their team-working skills.

Jason Williams, proprietor of Williams Estates, commented: “I look forward to judging the finished posters. Last year, they were a big talking point, with Williams Estates receiving compliments about them every day. Their creations have put smiles on many faces and I look forward to having the new concepts on display in our office.”

Tutor Dewi Owen Hughes said: “I fully support such links with industry, as I believe that realistic work projects greatly enhance the experiences and future employability of our students.

“The students will gain so much added-value by working on a real job. They can’t wait to potentially see their creative works being printed and used by Williams Estates in state-of-the-art LED light-pocket window displays.

“Using live projects to develop the knowledge and skills which employers want students to have when they leave college is a win-win situation for both parties. Businesses get the chance to have projects completed within budget, while students learn about producing work to the standards and in the timescales required by industry, by working with industry experts and successful companies.”

For more information on Creative Arts courses at Coleg Llandrillo, contact the College’s Learner Services team on 01492 542 338.



*Photo is of last year's display

The students, who are studying on the Foundation Studies in Art and Design course, are taking part in the commercial project in partnership with Williams Estates, and were commissioned recently to follow a brief to produce eye-catching window displays.

Jason Williams, proprietor of Williams Estates, outlined the brief, requesting that each student creates a commercial creative image on the theme ‘Home is Where the Heart is’. Jason will award £100 to the student with the most impressive design, and £50 each to the two runners-up. The creations will be displayed in the company’s LED light pocket window displays.

This is the 15th year that the estate agents have teamed up with the college’s Art & Design students.

The students will come up with a list of creative ideas, before utilising digital cameras and Apple iMac computers with Adobe creative digital software. As well as working individually on their own digital manipulations, the students will have to work together as a group with the client, developing their team-working skills.

Jason Williams, proprietor of Williams Estates, commented: “I look forward to judging the finished posters. Last year, they were a big talking point, with Williams Estates receiving compliments about them every day. Their creations have put smiles on many faces and I look forward to having the new concepts on display in our office.”

Tutor Dewi Owen Hughes said: “I fully support such links with industry, as I believe that realistic work projects greatly enhance the experiences and future employability of our students.

“The students will gain so much added-value by working on a real job. They can’t wait to potentially see their creative works being printed and used by Williams Estates in state-of-the-art LED light-pocket window displays.

“Using live projects to develop the knowledge and skills which employers want students to have when they leave college is a win-win situation for both parties. Businesses get the chance to have projects completed within budget, while students learn about producing work to the standards and in the timescales required by industry, by working with industry experts and successful companies.”

For more information on Creative Arts courses at Coleg Llandrillo, contact the College’s Learner Services team on 01492 542 338.



*Photo is of last year's display

Mae'r dysgwyr, sy'n astudio Astudiaethau Sylfaenol mewn Celf a Dylunio, yn cymryd rhan mewn prosiect masnachol ar y cyd a Williams Estates, ac fel rhan o'r briff, gofynnwyd iddyn nhw greu arddangosfeydd ffenestr deniadol.

Daeth Jason Williams, perchennog Williams Estates, i'r coleg i egluro'r briff gan ofyn i bob myfyriwr greu darlun unigol ar y thema "Does Unman yn debyg i Gartref". Bydd Jason yn dyfarnu £100 i'r myfyriwr sy'n creu'r dyluniad gorau, a £50 yr un i'r ddau ail orau. Bydd y creadigaethau yn cael eu harddangos yn arddangosfa ffenestr dan olau LED y cwmni.

Dyma'r 15fed flwyddyn mae'r gwerthwyr tai wedi cydweithio â myfyrwyr Celf a Dylunio.

Bydd y myfyrwyr yn meddwl am restr o syniadau creadigol, cyn defnyddio camerâu digidol a chyfrifiaduron Apple iMac gyda meddalwedd digidol creadigol Adobe. Yn ogystal â gweithio'n unigol ar eu gwaith trin digidol eu hunain, bu'n rhaid i'r myfyrwyr weithio gyda'i gilydd fel grŵp gyda'r cleient gan ddatblygu eu sgiliau gweithio fel tîm.

Dywedodd Jason Williams, perchennog Williams Estates: "Edrychaf ymlaen at farnu'r posteri gorffenedig. Y llynedd, roedden nhw'n bwnc trafod gyda phobl yn eu canmol wrth Williams Estates bob dydd. Rhoddodd yr arddangosiadau wên ar nifer o wynebau a dwi'n edrych ymlaen at arddangos y syniadau newydd yn ein swyddfeydd."

Dywedodd y tiwtor Dewi Owen Hughes: "Rydw i'n frwd dros fagu cysylltiadau o'r fath gyda diwydiant, gan fy mod yn credu bod prosiectau gwaith realistig yn gwella profiadau ac o fantais wrth iddynt chwilio am waith yn y dyfodol.

"Bydd y myfyrwyr yn ychwanegu gwerth at eu hastudiaethau drwy weithio ar swydd go iawn. Mae pawb yn edrych ymlaen at weld eu gwaith yn cael ei argraffu a'i arddangos yn chwaethus dan olau LED yn swyddfeydd Williams Estates."

"Mae pawb yn elwa ar brosiectau o'r math yma, ac maen nhw'n datblygu'r wybodaeth a'r sgiliau mae cyflogwyr yn gofyn amdanynt ar ôl iddynt adael y coleg. Mae busnesau yn cael y cyfle i gyflawni prosiectau o fewn y gyllideb, tra mae myfyrwyr yn dysgu am gynhyrchu gwaith o safon ac o fewn terfynau amser y diwydiant ac yn gweithio gydag arbenigwyr diwydiant a chwmnïau llwyddiannus."

I gael rhagor o wybodaeth am gyrsiau Celfyddydau Creadigol yng Ngholeg Llandrillo, cysylltwch â thîm y Gwasanaethau i Ddysgwyr ar 01492 542 338.

