Coleg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor and Busnes@LlandrilloMenai logosColeg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor and Busnes@LlandrilloMenai logos

Bangor Engineer named North Wales Apprentice of the Year

Engineer Eva Voma from Bangor, was recently named ‘North Wales Overall Apprentice of the Year 2022’ in the Grŵp Llandrillo Menai Work-based Learning Consortium’s Apprenticeship Awards.

The awards are sponsored by Babcock International Group.

A total of 13 ‘Apprentices of the Year’ prizes awarded each year in trades as varied as Hair and Beauty, Land-Based Studies and everything in-between.

Eva was voted ‘Apprentice of the Year in Engineering’ and subsequently selected for the top prize by an expert panel of judges from Busnes@LlandrilloMenai, North Wales Training and Arfon Dwyfor Training.

Speaking about her apprenticeship Eva commented:

“I decided to do an apprenticeship because as everyone knows you earn while you learn, it’s the best of both worlds. I could still learn what I wanted to do (as a career) but then have the experience as well. It enabled me to see what the work is really like, because a college will do its best to simulate a working environment but it's only really the best when you’re in the workplace.”

Eva works for International Safety Components (ISC) Ltd where she is a Product Engineer Apprentice. Daniel Yates, Engineering Manager at International Safety Components (ISC) commented:

“Eva is a talented apprentice at ISC, she has gone from strength to strength, assisting and managing various design and engineering projects with her creativity and design capabilities. From helping with a design refresh of one of our signature Karabiners to managing her own development project improving the design of our portable anchor system. Eva has also demonstrated her design flare by assisting our marketing department with redeveloping our product packaging to improve styling, functionality and recycling.”

Paul Bevan Executive Director - Commercial Development at Busnes@LlandrilloMenai was on the expert panel that selected Eva as ‘Overall Apprentice of the Year’, he commented:

“Deciding who would be our Overall Apprentice of the Year from amongst the amazing candidates was incredibly difficult – they all are worthy winners.

“As judges we were looking for someone who really embodies the attributes of an apprentice. Eva stood out because of her commitment to her training and education. She articulates exceptionally well what an apprenticeship is, not only has she shown progression and a commitment to develop her skills in engineering she's progressed to a degree apprenticeship: BEng in Engineering at Bangor University.

“She’s a great asset to her employer, her passion for learning and modesty make a brilliant ambassador for the apprenticeships. She has a bright future ahead of her.“

Find out more about all the 2021 Apprentices of the Year at

If you or a member of your family would like to find out more about Apprenticeships call 08445 460460 or visit

The awards are sponsored by Babcock International Group.

A total of 13 ‘Apprentices of the Year’ prizes awarded each year in trades as varied as Hair and Beauty, Land-Based Studies and everything in-between.

Eva was voted ‘Apprentice of the Year in Engineering’ and subsequently selected for the top prize by an expert panel of judges from Busnes@LlandrilloMenai, North Wales Training and Arfon Dwyfor Training.

Speaking about her apprenticeship Eva commented:

“I decided to do an apprenticeship because as everyone knows you earn while you learn, it’s the best of both worlds. I could still learn what I wanted to do (as a career) but then have the experience as well. It enabled me to see what the work is really like, because a college will do its best to simulate a working environment but it's only really the best when you’re in the workplace.”

Eva works for International Safety Components (ISC) Ltd where she is a Product Engineer Apprentice. Daniel Yates, Engineering Manager at International Safety Components (ISC) commented:

“Eva is a talented apprentice at ISC, she has gone from strength to strength, assisting and managing various design and engineering projects with her creativity and design capabilities. From helping with a design refresh of one of our signature Karabiners to managing her own development project improving the design of our portable anchor system. Eva has also demonstrated her design flare by assisting our marketing department with redeveloping our product packaging to improve styling, functionality and recycling.”

Paul Bevan Executive Director - Commercial Development at Busnes@LlandrilloMenai was on the expert panel that selected Eva as ‘Overall Apprentice of the Year’, he commented:

“Deciding who would be our Overall Apprentice of the Year from amongst the amazing candidates was incredibly difficult – they all are worthy winners.

“As judges we were looking for someone who really embodies the attributes of an apprentice. Eva stood out because of her commitment to her training and education. She articulates exceptionally well what an apprenticeship is, not only has she shown progression and a commitment to develop her skills in engineering she's progressed to a degree apprenticeship: BEng in Engineering at Bangor University.

“She’s a great asset to her employer, her passion for learning and modesty make a brilliant ambassador for the apprenticeships. She has a bright future ahead of her.“

Find out more about all the 2021 Apprentices of the Year at

If you or a member of your family would like to find out more about Apprenticeships call 08445 460460 or visit

Cyflwynir cyfanswm o 13 gwobr 'Prentis y Flwyddyn' bob blwyddyn mewn diwydiannau mor amrywiol â Gwallt a Harddwch, Diwydiannau'r Tir a llu o ddiwydiannau eraill.

Enillodd Eva wobr 'Prentis y Flwyddyn mewn Peirianneg' ac yn dilyn hynny cafodd ei dewis ar gyfer y brif wobr gan banel o arbenigwyr o Busnes@LlandrilloMenai, Hyfforddiant Gogledd Cymru a Hyfforddiant Arfon Dwyfor.

Gan siarad am ei phrentisiaeth, dywedodd Eva:

Penderfynais ddilyn prentisiaeth, oherwydd fel y mae pawb yn ei wybod, rydych yn ennill cyflog wrth i chi ddysgu. Felly, rydych yn cael y gorau o ddau fyd. Roeddwn i'n gallu parhau i ddysgu beth hoffwn ei wneud (fel gyrfa) a chael profiad o fyd gwaith ar yr un pryd. Mi ges i weld sut beth oedd byd gwaith mewn gwirionedd oherwydd, er bod y coleg yn gwneud ei orau i efelychu byd gwaith, dim ond yn y gweithle y cewch chi brofiad gwaith go iawn."

MAe Eva'n gweithio i International Safety Components (ISC) ltd ble mae hi'n Brentis Peirianneg Cynnyrch. Dywedodd Daniel Yates, Rheolwr Peirianneg yn International Safety Components (ISC):

"Mae Eva'n brentis talentog yn ISC ac mae hi wedi mynd o nerth i nerth, yn cynorthwyo ac yn rheoli prosiectau dylunio a pheirianneg amrywiol gyda'i gallu creu a dylunio. Mae'r prosiectau'n cynnwys cynorthwyo i adfywio un o'n Karabiners nodweddiadol a rheoli ei phrosiect datblygu ei hun drwy well dyluniad ein system angori gludadwy. Dangosodd Eva ei dawn dylunio drwy gynorthwyo'n adran farchnata i ailddatblygu gwaith pecynnu ein cynnyrch i wella steil y pecynnu, ei wneud yn fwy ymarferol ac yn haws i'w ailgylchu."

Meddai Paul Bevan, Uwch Gyfarwyddwr – Datblygiadau Masnachol Busnes@LlandrilloMenai, aelod o'r panel o arbenigwyr a ddewisodd Eva fel 'Prif Brentis y Flwyddyn':

"Roedd dewis prentis y flwyddyn eleni o blith yr holl ymgeiswyr arbennig yn anodd iawn - roedd pob un ohonyn nhw'n haeddu ennill.

"Roedden ni fel beirniaid yn chwilio am unigolyn oedd yn ymgorffori nodweddion prentis da. Roedd Eva'n sefyll allan oherwydd ei hymrwymiad i'w hyfforddiant a'i haddysg. Mae hi'n gallu cyfleu yn dda iawn beth yw prentisiaeth, ac mae hi wedi dangos cynnydd ac ymrwymiad i ddatblygu ei sgiliau Peirianneg yn ogystal â mynd ymlaen i ddilyn prentisiaeth gradd. BEng mewn Peirianneg ym Mhrifysgol Bangor.

"Mae hi'n gaffaeliad mawr i'w cyflogwr, mae ei hangerdd dros ddysgu a'i hagwedd diymhongar yn ei gwneud yn llysgennad ardderchog dros brentisiaethau. Mae dyfodol disglair o'i blaen. “

Ers 2021, caiff enillwyr Gwobrau Prentisiaid Gogledd Cymru eu dewis ar ôl pleidlais ar-lein, a'r cyhoedd sy'n dewis eu hoff ymgeiswyr o restr fer yn y categorïau isod:

Rheoli a Gwasanaethau i Fusnesau, Manwerthu a Gwasanaethau i Gwsmeriaid, Technoleg Gwybodaeth a Digidol,

Cyfrifeg, Lletygarwch, Gwallt a Harddwch, Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol, Chwaraeon, Addysg a Gofal Plant, Peirianneg a Gweithgynhyrchu, Adeiladu, Diwydiannau'r Tir, Hyfforddeiaeth a Dyfarniad y Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol*

I gael gwybod rhagor am Wobrau Prentisiaethau'r Flwyddyn 2021 ewch i

Neu os hoffech chi neu aelod o'r teulu ganfod rhagor am Brentisiaethau ffoniwch 08455 460 460 neu ewch i