Coleg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor and Busnes@LlandrilloMenai logosColeg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor and Busnes@LlandrilloMenai logos

Business and climate benefit from Green Digital Academy

With an increased focus on carbon reduction, SMEs in Gwynedd and Anglesey are receiving support as they embark on their journey to a net zero future, thanks to the recently launched Green Digital Academy.

The project, run by Busnes@LlandrilloMenai provides expert mentoring and advice to help small businesses adapt and reduce their carbon footprint. Funded by UK Government’s Community Renewal Fund, the Green Digital Academy has worked closely with SMEs across the region, putting plans in place to reduce their impact on the climate.

One of the first to sign up was Llangefni-based Mona Lifting. Founded in 2005, the lifting and engineering company wanted to make decarbonisation a priority, as Operations Director, Gethin Jones explains: “We are driven by our values, and responsibility towards our staff and contributing to the local community is an important part of this. Today, more than ever being responsible also means playing our part in tackling climate change.

“The goal for us at Mona Lifting is to remain commercially viable whist reducing carbon emissions. Our local Green Digital Academy consultant understood this and with an evaluation of our operations they helped us learn which parts of the business we need look at to achieve net zero. The support has enabled us to focus on delivering for our customers in the knowledge that experts are looking at how we can reduce our carbon footprint.”

Busnes@LlandrilloMenai is part of Grŵp Llandrillo Menai, and provides training and support specifically targeted to businesses. Through this project the aim is to help owners understand net zero and to take action to meet growing consumer demand for environmentally-friendly products and services. The hope is that the Green Digital Academy will also lead to increased profits through reduced production costs and efficiency.

Julie Stokes Jones, is the Project Business Development Officer. She added: “We are keen to work with SMEs in our catchment area to support them to reach net zero targets. We understand that it can be a challenge and knowing where to start is often difficult. With our support, businesses can access expert advice and funding to put them on the right tracks.

“There has been real interest in the project - but we still have a few spaces left. I would urge anyone that wishes to sign up to get in touch as soon as possible with us so we can help them reduce carbon in a way that benefits their business and the environment.”

This project is funded by the UK Government through the UK Community Renewal Fund. The UK Community Renewal Fund is a UK Government programme for 2021/22. This aims to support people and communities most in need across the UK to pilot programmes and new approaches to prepare for the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. It invests in skills, community and place, local business, and supporting people into employment. For more information, visit

The project, run by Busnes@LlandrilloMenai provides expert mentoring and advice to help small businesses adapt and reduce their carbon footprint. Funded by UK Government’s Community Renewal Fund, the Green Digital Academy has worked closely with SMEs across the region, putting plans in place to reduce their impact on the climate.

One of the first to sign up was Llangefni-based Mona Lifting. Founded in 2005, the lifting and engineering company wanted to make decarbonisation a priority, as Operations Director, Gethin Jones explains: “We are driven by our values, and responsibility towards our staff and contributing to the local community is an important part of this. Today, more than ever being responsible also means playing our part in tackling climate change.

“The goal for us at Mona Lifting is to remain commercially viable whist reducing carbon emissions. Our local Green Digital Academy consultant understood this and with an evaluation of our operations they helped us learn which parts of the business we need look at to achieve net zero. The support has enabled us to focus on delivering for our customers in the knowledge that experts are looking at how we can reduce our carbon footprint.”

Busnes@LlandrilloMenai is part of Grŵp Llandrillo Menai, and provides training and support specifically targeted to businesses. Through this project the aim is to help owners understand net zero and to take action to meet growing consumer demand for environmentally-friendly products and services. The hope is that the Green Digital Academy will also lead to increased profits through reduced production costs and efficiency.

Julie Stokes Jones, is the Project Business Development Officer. She added: “We are keen to work with SMEs in our catchment area to support them to reach net zero targets. We understand that it can be a challenge and knowing where to start is often difficult. With our support, businesses can access expert advice and funding to put them on the right tracks.

“There has been real interest in the project - but we still have a few spaces left. I would urge anyone that wishes to sign up to get in touch as soon as possible with us so we can help them reduce carbon in a way that benefits their business and the environment.”

Mae’r prosiect, sy’n cael ei redeg gan Busnes@LlandrilloMenai yn cynnig mentora arbenigol a chymorth i helpu busnesau bach i ymdopi a lleihau eu ôl-troed carbon. Wedi ei ariannu gan Gronfa Adnewyddu Cymunedol Llywodraeth y DU, mae’r Academi Ddigidol Werdd wedi gweithio’n agos gyda chwmnïau ar draws y rhanbarth, gan roi cynlluniau yn eu lle i leihau eu heffaith ar yr hinsawdd.

Un o’r rhai cyntaf i gofrestru oedd Mona Lifting, cwmni o Langefni. Wedi ei sefydlu yn 2005, roedd y cwmni peirianneg eisiau gwneud datgarboneiddio yn flaenoriaeth, fel yr eglura Gethin Jones y Cyfarwyddwr Gweithredu: “Mae ein gwerthoedd wrth galon pob dim rydyn ni’n ei wneud, ac mae cyfrifoldeb tuag at ein staff a chyfrannu at ein cymuned leol yn rhan bwysig o hyn. Y dyddiau yma, yn fwy nag erioed mae bod yn gyfrifol hefyd yn golygu chwarae’n rhan wrth fynd i’r afael â newid hinsawdd.

“Y targed i ni yn Mona Lifting ydi parhau’n hyfyw yn fasnachol tra’n lleihau allyriadau carbon. Roedd ein ymgynghorydd Academi Ddigidol Werdd yn deall hyn yn iawn. Ac wrth wneud gwerthusiad o’n gwaith fe helpodd o ni i ddysgu pa rannau o’r busnes sydd angen i ni edrych arnynt i gyrraedd sero net. Mae’r gefnogaeth wedi’n galluogi ni i ganolbwyntio ar ddarparu ar gyfer ein cwsmeriaid gan wybod fod arbenigwyr yn edrych ar sut y gallwn leihau ôl-troed carbon.”

Mae Busnes@LlandrilloMenai yn rhan o Grŵp Llandrillo Menai, ac yn darparu hyfforddiant a chefnogaeth sydd wedi ei dargedu’n benodol at fusnesau. Trwy’r prosiect hwn y nod yw helpu perchnogion busnes i ddeall sero net ac i gymryd camau i ateb y galw cynyddol am gynnyrch a gwasanaethau ecogyfeillgar. Y gobaith ydy y bydd yr Academi Ddigidol Werdd hefyd yn arwain at gynnydd mewn elw i fusnesau trwy leihau costau cynhyrchu a gwella effeithlonrwydd.

Julie Stokes Jones yw Swyddog Datblygu Busnes y Prosiect. Dywedodd: “Rydym yn awyddus i weithio gyda busnesau bach yn ein dalgylch i’w cefnogi nhw i gyrraedd targedau sero net. Rydym yn deall bod hyn yn gallu bod yn her ac mae gwybod ble i ddechrau yn aml yn anodd. Gyda’n cefnogaeth, gall busnesau gael mynediad at gyngor arbenigol a chyllid i’w rhoi nhw ar y trywydd iawn.

“Mae diddordeb gwirioneddol wedi bod yn y prosiect yn barod – ond mae ychydig o le yn dal i fod ar ôl. Rydw i yn annog unrhyw fusnes sy’n dymuno ymuno i gysylltu â ni cyn gynted â phosib fel y gallwn eu helpu nhw i leihau carbon mewn ffordd sydd o fudd i’w busnes a’r amgylchedd.”