Coleg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor and Busnes@LlandrilloMenai logosColeg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor and Busnes@LlandrilloMenai logos

Celebrating local businesses as they aim for carbon zero

Last week we held our Green Digital Future event at Busnes@LlandrilloMenai in Parc Menai. It was great to welcome colleagues, partners and local businesses to celebrate our Green Digital Academy project. Taking centre stage were the SMEs who were part of the project. They shared their experiences and how they have been supported to reduce carbon emissions.

Green Digital Academy has worked with 54 business across Gwynedd and Anglesey, providing them with expert mentoring and advice to adapt and reduce their carbon footprint. Funded by UK Government’s Community Renewal Fund, the project has supported SMEs to make the shift by making the most of new technology to reduce their impact on the climate.

Bethan Williams was our host for the morning and speakers included Dr Paul Bevan, Executive Director of Bunses@LlandrilloMenai; Stu Meades, MD of Greener Edge Ltd and lead consultant on the project; Ian Wright of Outdoor Alternative and Rhys Anwyl Williams of Rhiw Goch Holidays, two of the businesses to take part in the scheme.

Our headline speaker was S4C meteorologist and climate specialist, Steffan Griffiths. He spoke about climate crisis and how everyone has a role to play as we tackle the challenges.

We had renewable energy demonstrator rigs on display at the event for attendees to learn about how they work and the benefits of the latest technology.

To find out more about the businesses which took part and the Green Digital Academy visit our website or email

Green Digital Academy has worked with 54 business across Gwynedd and Anglesey, providing them with expert mentoring and advice to adapt and reduce their carbon footprint. Funded by UK Government’s Community Renewal Fund, the project has supported SMEs to make the shift by making the most of new technology to reduce their impact on the climate.

Bethan Williams was our host for the morning and speakers included Dr Paul Bevan, Executive Director of Bunses@LlandrilloMenai; Stu Meades, MD of Greener Edge Ltd and lead consultant on the project; Ian Wright of Outdoor Alternative and Rhys Anwyl Williams of Rhiw Goch Holidays, two of the businesses to take part in the scheme.

Our headline speaker was S4C meteorologist and climate specialist, Steffan Griffiths. He spoke about climate crisis and how everyone has a role to play as we tackle the challenges.

We had renewable energy demonstrator rigs on display at the event for attendees to learn about how they work and the benefits of the latest technology.

To find out more about the businesses which took part and the Green Digital Academy visit our website.

Roedd yn gyfle arbennig i glywed gan y busnesau oedd wedi bod yn rhan o'r prosiect - trwy rannu eu profiadau a’r gefnogaeth roddwyd iddynt i leihau allyriadau carbon.

Mae Academi Ddigidol Werdd bellach wedi gweithio gyda 54 o fusnesau ar draws Gwynedd a Môn, trwy fentora a chynnig cyngor arbenigol ar addasu a lleihau ôl troed carbon. Wedi’i ariannu gan Gronfa Adnewyddu Cymunedol Llywodraeth y DU, mae’r prosiect wedi cefnogi busnesau i wneud y gorau o dechnoleg newydd er mwyn lleihau eu heffaith ar yr hinsawdd.

Bethan Williams oedd yn hwyluso’r digwyddiad ac roedd ein siaradwyr yn cynnwys Dr Paul Bevan, Cyfarwyddwr Bunses@LlandrilloMenai; Stu Meades, Rheolwr Gyfarwyddwr Greener Edge Ltd a phrif ymgynghorydd y prosiect; Ian Wright o Outdoor Alternative a Rhys Anwyl Williams o Rhiw Goch, dau o’r busnesau i gymryd rhan yn y cynllun.

Ein prif siaradwr oedd y cyflwynydd tywydd ac arbenigwr hinsawdd, Steffan Griffiths. Siaradodd am yr argyfwng hinsawdd a’r rôl sydd gan pawb i’w chwarae wrth i ni fynd i’r afael â’r heriau.

Roedd ein arddangosfa offer ynni adnewyddadwy yn rhan o’r digwyddiad hefyd - cyfle i fynychwyr ddysgu mwy am fanteision y dechnoleg ddiweddaraf.

I ddarganfod mwy am y busnesau a gymerodd ran a’r Academi Ddigidol Werdd, ewch i’n gwefan, neu cysylltwch â ni / 08445 460 460