Coleg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor and Busnes@LlandrilloMenai logosColeg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor and Busnes@LlandrilloMenai logos

Charlie Captains College Esports Team!

A female Games Development student is the captain of a college team competing in a national league promoting the biggest growing sport in the world!

Charlie Donovan, 20 from Llandudno, has been appointed captain of one of the six esports’ teams Coleg Llandrillo is fielding in the British Esports Student Championships this academic year. She is studying on the Level 3 Games Development course at the Rhos-on-Sea campus.

Charlie not only captains Hydras (team 2) - which consists of both male and female student gamers - she also trains her team members three times a week. Her team will be playing Valorant - a popular, character-based multiplayer shooter from Riot Games - against students from across the length and breadth of the UK. The team’s first match of the new season is taking place this week.

Outside of her college commitments, Charlie is part of a female-only group who are all learning how to be esports presenters. She and the group members are currently observing and commentating on esports competitions on a regular basis in preparation.

The college’s teams competing in the league are: 2 Hydras teams playing Valorant; 2 Basilisks teams (Rocket League); Drakes (Overwatch) and Wyvern (League of Legends). All students involved are studying on either Computing or Creative Arts’ courses.

The British Esports Student Championships is a series of competitive video gaming tournaments for school and college students aged 12+ across the UK. The Championships is an extracurricular, team-based activity that engages a wide demographic of young people, whilst providing an avenue to motivate and inspire students.

British Esports has recently confirmed that the grand finals of the Championships will once again be held in collaboration with the Confetti Institute of Creative Technologies – Nottingham Trent University’s new esports complex. The live event will take place on the 18th and 19th June 2022.

BAFTA-winning Coleg Llandrillo Games Development tutor Rob Griffiths, who was presented with this year’s prestigious ‘Further Education Academic Award’ for his ground-breaking initiatives in the world of games development and computing, was recently appointed as a non-executive director for Esports Wales, the national body for esports in Wales.

He said: “It's great to see so many students getting interested in esports, joining teams to help represent their college on a national level. It's also very positive to see so many females taking part and showing that there are no gender barriers to playing games competitively.”

Earlier this year to meet huge demand, Coleg Llandrillo announced that it would also be offering an A-level-equivalent qualification in esports. Learners are taught within the brand new £120,000, state-of-the-art Virtual Reality Suite at the college group’s Rhos-on-Sea campus.

Esports is part of a multi-billion pound worldwide industry with no physical barriers, and this innovative qualification will afford students with real career prospects in the burgeoning UK market, as well as gaining access to global industries in the US, Asia and Europe! As a new co-owner of an esports business, even David Beckham is getting in on the act!

Coleg Llandrillo’s Games Development department has had an unbelievable few years, after securing partnerships with some of the world’s most successful electronics and gaming brands. It has been registered as both Xbox and Nintendo developers, which is a possible first for any college or university in the UK! Further to this, it is now part of Sony Interactive Entertainment’s global academic programme - PlayStation®First.

For more information on the college’s courses in Games Development, or Computing courses in general, please call the college’s Learner Services team on 01492 542 338.


Charlie Donovan, 20 from Llandudno, has been appointed captain of one of the six esports’ teams Coleg Llandrillo is fielding in the British Esports Student Championships this academic year. She is studying on the Level 3 Games Development course at the Rhos-on-Sea campus.

Charlie not only captains Hydras (team 2) - which consists of both male and female student gamers - she also trains her team members three times a week. Her team will be playing Valorant - a popular, character-based multiplayer shooter from Riot Games - against students from across the length and breadth of the UK. The team’s first match of the new season is taking place this week.

Outside of her college commitments, Charlie is part of a female-only group who are all learning how to be esports presenters. She and the group members are currently observing and commentating on esports competitions on a regular basis in preparation.

The college’s teams competing in the league are: 2 Hydras teams playing Valorant; 2 Basilisks teams (Rocket League); Drakes (Overwatch) and Wyvern (League of Legends). All students involved are studying on either Computing or Creative Arts’ courses.

The British Esports Student Championships is a series of competitive video gaming tournaments for school and college students aged 12+ across the UK. The Championships is an extracurricular, team-based activity that engages a wide demographic of young people, whilst providing an avenue to motivate and inspire students.

British Esports has recently confirmed that the grand finals of the Championships will once again be held in collaboration with the Confetti Institute of Creative Technologies – Nottingham Trent University’s new esports complex. The live event will take place on the 18th and 19th June 2022.

BAFTA-winning Coleg Llandrillo Games Development tutor Rob Griffiths, who was presented with this year’s prestigious ‘Further Education Academic Award’ for his ground-breaking initiatives in the world of games development and computing, was recently appointed as a non-executive director for Esports Wales, the national body for esports in Wales.

He said: “It's great to see so many students getting interested in esports, joining teams to help represent their college on a national level. It's also very positive to see so many females taking part and showing that there are no gender barriers to playing games competitively.”

Earlier this year to meet huge demand, Coleg Llandrillo announced that it would also be offering an A-level-equivalent qualification in esports. Learners are taught within the brand new £120,000, state-of-the-art Virtual Reality Suite at the college group’s Rhos-on-Sea campus.

Esports is part of a multi-billion pound worldwide industry with no physical barriers, and this innovative qualification will afford students with real career prospects in the burgeoning UK market, as well as gaining access to global industries in the US, Asia and Europe! As a new co-owner of an esports business, even David Beckham is getting in on the act!

Coleg Llandrillo’s Games Development department has had an unbelievable few years, after securing partnerships with some of the world’s most successful electronics and gaming brands. It has been registered as both Xbox and Nintendo developers, which is a possible first for any college or university in the UK! Further to this, it is now part of Sony Interactive Entertainment’s global academic programme - PlayStation®First.

For more information on the college’s courses in Games Development, or Computing courses in general, please call the college’s Learner Services team on 01492 542 338.


Penodwyd Charlie Donovan 20 oed o Landudno yn gapten ar un o'r chwe thîm e-gampau sy'n cystadlu dros Goleg Llandrillo ym Mhencampwriaeth E-gampau Myfyrwyr Prydain. Mae hi'n astudio ar y cwrs 'Datblygu Gemau Lefel 3' ar gampws y coleg yn Llandrillo-yn-Rhos.

Mae Charlie yn gapten ar dîm Hydras (tîm 2) - sy'n cynnwys bechgyn a merched, ac mae hi'n hyfforddi aelodau ei thîm dair gwaith yr wythnos. Bydd ei thîm yn chwarae Valorant - gêm boblogaidd Riot Games sy'n canolbwyntio ar gymeriadau ac sy'n addas i nifer o chwaraewyr - yn erbyn myfyrwyr o bob cwr o Brydain. Cynhelir gêm gyntaf y tymor yn ystod yr wythnos hon.

Y tu allan i ymrwymiadau coleg mae Charlie yn aelod o grŵp o ferched sy'n dysgu sut i fod yn gyflwynwyr e-gampau. Mae hi a'r grŵp yn arsylwi ac yn sylwebu ar gystadlaethau e-gampau yn rheolaidd er mwyn paratoi ar gyfer hynny.

Y timau fydd yn cystadlu yn y cynghrair yw: 2 dîm Hydras yn chwarae Valorant; 2 dîm Basilisks (Rocket League); Drakes (Overwatch) a Wyvern (League of Legends). Mae pob un o'r myfyrwyr yn dilyn cyrsiau Cyfrifiadura neu Gelf Greadigol.

Mae Pencampwriaeth E-gampau Myfyrwyr Prydain yn gyfres o dwrnameintiau fideo i fyfyrwyr ysgol a cholegau dros 12 oed. Mae'r bencampwriaeth yn weithgaredd allgyrsiol i dimau sy'n cynnwys ystod eang o bobl ifanc ac yn cynnig cyfle i ysbrydoli a chymell myfyrwyr.

Cadarnhaodd British Esports yn ddiweddar y byddai rownd derfynol y bencampwriaeth yn cael ei threfnu ar y cyd eto â Confetti Institue of Creative Technologies - adran e-gampau newydd Prifysgol Nottingham Trent. Cynhelir y digwyddiad byw ar 18 ac 19 Mehefin 2022.

Dywedodd tiwtor Datblygu Gemau Coleg Llandrillo Rob Griffiths a enillodd 'Wobr Academaidd Addysg Bellach' eleni am ei waith arloesol ym maes cyfrifiadura a datblygu gemau, ac sydd wedi cael ei benodi'n un o gyfarwyddwyr anweithredol Esports Wales, y corff cenedlaethol ar gyfer e-gampau yng Nghymru.

He said: “"Mae'n braf cael gweld cymaint o fyfyrwyr yn dangos diddordeb mewn e-gampau, ac yn ymuno â thimau i gynrychioli'r coleg ar lefel genedlaethol. Mae'n galonogol i weld cymaint o ferched yn cymryd rhan ac yn dangos nad oes rhwystrau ar sail rhyw ym maes cystadlu ar gemau cyfrifiadurol.

O ganlyniad i alw aruthrol, cyhoeddodd Grŵp Llandrillo Menai yn ddiweddar y bydd yn cynnig cymhwyster tebyg i Lefel A ym maes E-chwaraeon! Bydd dysgwyr yn cael eu haddysgu mewn ystafell realiti rhithwir o'r radd flaenaf werth £120,000 ar gampws y coleg yn Llandrillo-yn-Rhos.

Mae E-chwaraeon yn rhan o ddiwydiant byd-eang sydd werth biliynau o bunnoedd heb unrhyw rwystrau corfforol. Gallai'r cymhwyster hwn agor nifer o ddrysau o ran gyrfa ym marchnad gynyddol Prydain, yn ogystal â chyfleoedd yn niwydiannau byd-eang yn yr Unol Daleithiau, Asia ac Ewrop! Mae hyd yn oed David Beckham wedi troi at y maes fel cydberchennog newydd busnes E-chwaraeon!

Mae adran Datblygu Gemau Coleg Llandrillo wedi cael llwyddiant anhygoel dros y blynyddoedd diwethaf gan sicrhau partneriaethau gyda rhai o frandiau electroneg a gemau mwyaf llwyddiannus y byd. Cafodd ei chofrestru'n ddatblygwr i gwmnïau Xbox a Nintendo – yr adran gyntaf o bosibl mewn unrhyw brifysgol neu goleg yn y Deyrnas Unedig i gael braint o'r fath! Ar ben hyn, mae'r coleg hefyd yn rhan o raglen academaidd fyd-eang Sony Interactive Entertainment - PlayStation®First.

I gael rhagor o wybodaeth am gyrsiau Datblygu Gemau, neu gyrsiau Cyfrifiadura, cysylltwch â thîm y Gwasanaethau i Ddysgwyr ar 01492 542 338.

