Coleg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor and Busnes@LlandrilloMenai logosColeg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor and Busnes@LlandrilloMenai logos

College Supports Farming Support Service, Tir Dewi.

A representative from the farming charity Tir Dewi was recently on-hand at Coleg Glynliffon to reinforce to staff and students the importance of seeking help during these difficult and challenging times.

Delyth Owen visited Grŵp Llandrillo Menai’s college to promote the charity's tireless work in addressing the concerns of modern day farmers and their families. Whilst there, she placed promotional stickers on the college farm’s huge hay bales. The message was clear, Tir Dewi is here to support the agricultural community.

Tir Dewi’s volunteers understand many of the issues faced by farmers in the community. Explaining their problems is the first step towards finding a solution. Subjects may include sustainable land management, poor health, Brexit, Covid-19, bereavement and the challenges of extreme weather.

Delyth Owen said: “Getting the opportunity to come here to Coleg Glynllifon to talk to students and staff about the importance of our charity and how we work with the farming community in Wales is very important to us.

“The agricultural industry is a great industry to work in. The opportunities are wide ranging and there is a strong community feel at both a social and a professional level. But sometimes, the industry can be challenging and lonely and also dangerous, so having a charity like Tir Dewi, where you can come to us at any time to discuss your concerns, is very important.”

Rhodri Manod Owen, Coleg Glynllifon farm manager, added: “The farming community here in north west Wales is a close, warm and supportive community, but sometimes things can get difficult. In an industry where much of the work can be lonely and mentally and physically challenging in difficult conditions, having a charity like Tir Dewi to turn to is very important.

“As our students begin their careers, finding out that this kind of support is available is invaluable. Seeking help is not a sign of weakness, but a sign of strength.”

Tir Dewi is a registered charity established in 2015 by Bishop Wyn and the Archdeacon of St David's the Venerable Eileen Davies, to support the agricultural community in Ceredigion. Since then the charity has grown rapidly, offering support in Pembrokeshire, Ceredigion, Carmarthenshire, Powys, Conwy, Anglesey, Gwynedd and Gower.

Don’t hesitate to reach out using the contact information below.


Telephone: 0800 121 47 22

Delyth Owen visited Grŵp Llandrillo Menai’s college to promote the charity's tireless work in addressing the concerns of modern day farmers and their families. Whilst there, she placed promotional stickers on the college farm’s huge hay bales. The message was clear, Tir Dewi is here to support the agricultural community.

Tir Dewi’s volunteers understand many of the issues faced by farmers in the community. Explaining their problems is the first step towards finding a solution. Subjects may include sustainable land management, poor health, Brexit, Covid-19, bereavement and the challenges of extreme weather.

Delyth Owen said: “Getting the opportunity to come here to Coleg Glynllifon to talk to students and staff about the importance of our charity and how we work with the farming community in Wales is very important to us.

“The agricultural industry is a great industry to work in. The opportunities are wide ranging and there is a strong community feel at both a social and a professional level. But sometimes, the industry can be challenging and lonely and also dangerous, so having a charity like Tir Dewi, where you can come to us at any time to discuss your concerns, is very important.”

Rhodri Manod Owen, Coleg Glynllifon farm manager, added: “The farming community here in north west Wales is a close, warm and supportive community, but sometimes things can get difficult. In an industry where much of the work can be lonely and mentally and physically challenging in difficult conditions, having a charity like Tir Dewi to turn to is very important.

“As our students begin their careers, finding out that this kind of support is available is invaluable. Seeking help is not a sign of weakness, but a sign of strength.”

Tir Dewi is a registered charity established in 2015 by Bishop Wyn and the Archdeacon of St David's the Venerable Eileen Davies, to support the agricultural community in Ceredigion. Since then the charity has grown rapidly, offering support in Pembrokeshire, Ceredigion, Carmarthenshire, Powys, Conwy, Anglesey, Gwynedd and Gower.

Don’t hesitate to reach out using the contact information below.


Telephone: 0800 121 47 22

Gosodwyd sticeri ar fyrnau mawr y Coleg, fel modd i hysbysebu staff a myfyrwyr y Coleg o bwysigrwydd chwilio am gymorth mewn cyfnodau caled a heriol.

Dywedodd Delyth Owen, o Tir Dewi :

“Mae cael y cyfle i ddod yma i Goleg Glynllifon er mwyn siarad gyda’r myfyrwyr a staff am bwysigrwydd gwaith elusen fel TIR DEWI i’r gymuned amaethyddol yng Nghymru yn hynod o bwysig i ni. Mae’r diwydiant amaeth yn ddiwydiant arbennig i weithio ynddo, mae’r cyfleoedd yn eang, mae yna gymuned gref ar lefel gymdeithasol a phroffesiynol. Ond weithiau, mae’r diwydiant yn gallu bod yn heriol ac yn unig, a hefyd yn beryglus, felly mae cael elusen fel Tir Dewi, lle mae modd i chi ddod atom, unrhyw bryd, er mwyn trafod eich pryderon, yn bwysig iawn.”

Ychwanegodd Rhodri Manod Owen, Rheolwr Fferm Glynllifon.

“Mae’r gymuned amaethyddol yma yng ngogledd orllewin Cymru yn gymuned glos, gynnes a chefnogol, ond wedi deud hynny, weithiau mae pethau yn gallu mynd yn drech na ni. Mewn diwydiant, lle mae llawer o’r gwaith yn gallu bod yn unig, dan amgylchiadau heriol ac anodd, yn feddyliol ac yn gorfforol, mae cael elusen fel Tir Dewi yn bwysig iawn.”


“Wrth i’n myfyrwyr gychwyn ar eu gyrfaoedd, mae cael gwybod bod y math yma o gefnogaeth ar gael yn amhrisiadwy. Nid arwydd o wendid ydi chwilio am gymorth, ond arwydd o gryfder.”

Mae Tir Dewi yn elusen gofrestredig a sefydlwyd yn 2015 gan yr Esgob Wyn ac Arch Diacon Tŷ Ddewi yr Hybarch Eileen Davies, er mwyn cefnogi’r gymuned amaethyddol yng Ngheredigion. Ers hynny mae’r elusen wedi tyfu’n gyflym, ac yn cynnig cefnogaeth yn siroedd Penfro, Ceredigion, Sir Gaerfyrddin, Powys, Conwy, Sir Fôn, Gwynedd a Gŵyr.

Am fwy o wybodaeth am waith Tir Dewi - 0800 121 47 22