Coleg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor and Busnes@LlandrilloMenai logosColeg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor and Busnes@LlandrilloMenai logos

Grŵp Llandrillo Menai announces new Hydrogen Strategy

Grŵp Llandrillo Menai has set out ambitious plans to become a Hydrogen Energy Centre of Excellence as part of its ongoing commitment to low carbon energy.

Working with regional and national partners as well as key industry players, the Grŵp aims to establish specialist training facilities and programmes to support companies and the workforce to embrace the opportunities presented by hydrogen energy.

The newly launched Hydrogen Strategy also proposes to:

  • Deliver training on the installation of domestic and commercial hydrogen systems in partnership with Worcester Bosch at the new Zero Carbon Training centre at CIST in Llangefni.
  • Develop expertise on the use of hydrogen for heavy and domestic vehicles.
  • Use hydrogen to decarbonise its farm at Coleg Glynllifon.
  • Investigate fully powered hydrogen heating on some of the Grŵp’s main buildings
  • Future skills programmes for storing, managing, and transporting Hydrogen.

Dafydd Evans, Grŵp Llandrillo Menai Chief Executive explained: "We believe that the further education sector can play a major role in meeting the Government's net zero targets here in Wales.

"It is clear, as part of the decarbonisation agenda, that there will be an increasing demand for low carbon hydrogen over the coming years.

"We want to be an early adopter of hydrogen technology and continue to innovate as we meet the ongoing challenges of climate change.

"Crucially, we want to transfer and exchange that knowledge and become a recognised training provider in the field.

"We're extremely proud to be the first Welsh college to set out how we plan to harness the potential of hydrogen to help with our own decarbonisation programme, as well as to upskill the workforce and support industry."

Advanced discussions are already taking place with major developers and manufacturers to establish working partnerships to deliver the vision set out in the Strategy.

The Grŵp is hoping that these will soon translate into more formal agreements and projects to promote the development of more widespread production and use of hydrogen energy in Wales.

Dafydd added: "We are the leading further education college in Wales for delivering on Knowledge Transfer Partnership programmes.

"We have a proven track record of working with national and international companies as a trusted partner and also for being forward-thinking and innovative.

"This has resulted in the delivery of many high impact projects which have added real value to the North and Mid Wales regions.

"By building on that experience and collaborating with others, including major companies and other hydrogen-focussed initiatives, we can make a proactive contribution to the hydrogen energy landscape in Wales and further afield.

"This will be good news not only for the environment, but also for employers and the workforce as they prepare for the opportunities presented by new and cleaner low carbon technologies."

Working with regional and national partners as well as key industry players, the Grŵp aims to establish specialist training facilities and programmes to support companies and the workforce to embrace the opportunities presented by hydrogen energy.

The newly launched Hydrogen Strategy also proposes to:

  • Deliver training on the installation of domestic and commercial hydrogen systems in partnership with Worcester Bosch at the new Zero Carbon Training centre at CIST in Llangefni.
  • Develop expertise on the use of hydrogen for heavy and domestic vehicles.
  • Use hydrogen to decarbonise its farm at Coleg Glynllifon.
  • Investigate fully powered hydrogen heating on some of the Grŵp’s main buildings
  • Future skills programmes for storing, managing, and transporting Hydrogen.

Dafydd Evans, Grŵp Llandrillo Menai Chief Executive explained: "We believe that the further education sector can play a major role in meeting the Government's net zero targets here in Wales.

"It is clear, as part of the decarbonisation agenda, that there will be an increasing demand for low carbon hydrogen over the coming years.

"We want to be an early adopter of hydrogen technology and continue to innovate as we meet the ongoing challenges of climate change.

"Crucially, we want to transfer and exchange that knowledge and become a recognised training provider in the field.

"We're extremely proud to be the first Welsh college to set out how we plan to harness the potential of hydrogen to help with our own decarbonisation programme, as well as to upskill the workforce and support industry."

Advanced discussions are already taking place with major developers and manufacturers to establish working partnerships to deliver the vision set out in the Strategy.

The Grŵp is hoping that these will soon translate into more formal agreements and projects to promote the development of more widespread production and use of hydrogen energy in Wales.

Dafydd added: "We are the leading further education college in Wales for delivering on Knowledge Transfer Partnership programmes.

"We have a proven track record of working with national and international companies as a trusted partner and also for being forward-thinking and innovative.

"This has resulted in the delivery of many high impact projects which have added real value to the North and Mid Wales regions.

"By building on that experience and collaborating with others, including major companies and other hydrogen-focussed initiatives, we can make a proactive contribution to the hydrogen energy landscape in Wales and further afield.

"This will be good news not only for the environment, but also for employers and the workforce as they prepare for the opportunities presented by new and cleaner low carbon technologies."

Gan weithio gyda phartneriaid rhanbarthol a chenedlaethol yn ogystal â chwmnïau, mae'r Grŵp yn anelu at sefydlu cyfleusterau a rhaglenni hyfforddi arbenigol i gefnogi'r diwydiant a'r gweithlu i fanteisio ar y cyfleoedd a gynigir gan ynni hydrogen.

Bydd y rhain yn cael eu cyflwyno mewn meysydd megis gwresogi ac ynni domestig, gwresogi masnachol, a cherbydau trwm.

Mae'r Strategaeth Hydrogen yn cynnwys:

  • Cyflwyno hyfforddiant ar sut i fewnosod offer systemau hydrogen mewn cartrefi a busnesau mewn partneriaeth gyda Worcester Bosch a hynny o ganolfan Hyfforddi Carbon Sero newydd yn CIST yn Llangefni.
  • Datblygu arbenigedd mewn defnyddio hydrogen ar gyfer cerbydau trwm a cherbydau personol.
  • Defnyddio hydrogen i ddadgarboneiddio ei fferm yng Ngholeg Glynllifon.
  • Archwilio'r posibilrwydd o wresogi'n gyfan-gwbl trwy ddefnyddio hydrogen yn rhai o brif adeiladau'r Grŵp.
  • Rhaglennui sgiliau'r dyfodol ar gyfer storio, rheoli a chludo hydrogen.

Eglurodd Dafydd Evans, Prif Weithredwr Grŵp Llandrillo Menai: "Mae gan y sector addysg bellach rôl allweddol i'w chwarae mewn cwrdd â thargedau net sero'r Llywodraeth yma yng Nghymru.

"Mae'n glir y bydd, fel rhan o'r agenda i ddadgarboneiddio, galw cynyddol am hydrogen carbon isel dros y blynyddoedd nesaf.

"Rydyn ni'n awyddus i fabwysiadu technoleg hydrogen yn gynnar a pharhau i arloesi wrth i ni barhau i fynd i'r afael â newid hinsawdd.

"Ein nod yw trosglwyddo a chyfnewid ein gwybodaeth a'n profiad a dod yn ddarparwr hyfforddiant cydnabyddedig yn y maes.

"Rydyn ni'n arbennig o falch o fod y coleg cyntaf yng Nghymru i amlinellu sut yr ydyn ni'n bwriadu harnesu potensial hydrogen i helpu gyda'n rhaglen ddadgarboneiddio ni fel Grŵp, yn ogystal ag uwchsgilio'r gweithlu a chefnogi cwmnïau."

Mae'r Grŵp eisoes mewn trafodaethau gyda datblygwyr a chynhyrchwyr allweddol er mwyn sefydlu partneriaethau gweithredol i gyflawni'r weledigaeth a amlinellir yn y Strategaeth.

Mae'r Grŵp yn hyderus y bydd y trafodaethau hyn yn arwain at gytundebau a phrosiectau ffurfiol yn y misoedd nesaf er mwyn hyrwyddo mwy o gynhyrchu a defnyddio ynni hydrogen yng Nghymru.

Ychwanegodd Dafydd: "Rydym ar flaen y gad yn y sector addysg bellach yma yng Nghymru o ran delifro Partneriaethau Cyfnewid Gwybodaeth.

"Mae gennym ni lawer o brofiad o gydweithio'n llwyddiannus gyda chwmnïau cenedlaethol a rhyngwladol ac o fod yn arloesol mewn sawl maes.

"Mae hyn wedi arwain at nifer o brosiectau sylweddol sydd wedi ychwanegu gwerth gwirioneddol yn rhanbarth Gogledd a Chanolbarth Cymru.

"Trwy adeiladu ar sail y profiad hwnna a chydweithio gydag eraill, yn cynnwys cwmnïau mawr a phrosiectau hydrogen eraill, gallwn wneud cyfraniad proactif i'r tirlun ynni hydrogen yng Nghymru a thu hwnt.

"Bydd hyn yn newydd da i'r amgylchedd, a hefyd i gyflogwyr a chyflogeion wrth iddyn nhw baratoi ar gyfer y cyfleoedd a gynigir gan dechnolegau newydd sy'n lanach ac yn is mewn carbon."