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Gwynedd Health and Safety Construction Student Awarded Best in UK

Centre for Infrastructure, Skills & Technology (CIST) - Busnes@LlandrilloMenai along with NEBOSH delivery partner Delyn Safety UK Ltd are delighted to announce that Tesni James has been awarded The Ian Whittingham Award for the Best Candidate in the NEBOSH Health and Safety Management for Construction (UK).

Tesni achieved the award after gaining 93% in the exam, the highest score in the UK for the year.

Tesni chose to complete the NEBOSH Health and Safety Management Construction (UK) qualification due to her interest in health and safety and the high-risk nature of working within the construction industry. As a Director at Tom James Construction Services Ltd, the family business, along with her husband, people’s health and wellbeing has always been important to Tesni.

Tesni explains: “Staff wellbeing is of the highest importance to us and ensuring that we are doing everything that we can to promote safety in the workplace and that employees go home each day safely to their families. Being able to complete this standard of health and safety training over the last two years has made it possible for me to further develop and become competent in managing the health and safety side of the business.

“We as a company, are accredited with ISO 9001, 14001 and 45001. We have a great team and I think that positive health and safety culture starts from management’s positive attitude. I am always eager to learn and very keen on employee’s development through training, gaining experience to become competent in all roles.”

Tesni applied for the NEBOSH course using the Personal Learning Account (PLA), a programme funded by Welsh Government which allows those who meet the criteria to access free courses and professional qualifications that develop skills and help individuals progress in their career. Access to PLA funding gave Tesni the confidence to leave her previous work as a Social Worker to work full-time in the family business and develop her career within the Construction industry.

On asking how it felt to win the award Tesni said: “It feels amazing! I didn’t believe the news that I was the highest achiever when I first read the email. Coming from a small town and running a small family business, it feels unreal. I am so proud; I am a true believer that if you put the time, effort and learning into anything, you can achieve your goal.

“I must admit, it also felt great being a woman winning the Award for the best candidate in the NEBOSH Health and Safety Management in Construction Certificate, as it is well documented that it is only between 11-15% of women currently working within the construction industry, and I have now added to that statistic.”

Tesni added: “The flexibility with studying the courses online has been great for me living in a rural area, I could complete full days of training, weekly online from home. The information learned through the course was really interesting, and it is always good reflecting on good and bad practice and discovering new and different ways of completing construction work. I have had the pleasure of meeting several Delyn Safety Trainers who have supported me in completing my courses and I am eager to continue with my studies and continue to make health and safety a positive priority in our business with our great team.”

Tesni has now progressed to studying the NEBOSH Diploma for Occupational Health and Safety Management Professionals with Delyn Safety UK Ltd and also has the NEBOSH Environmental Certificate in her sights as the company is also concentrating on reducing carbon emissions.

Mike Joy, Delyn Safety UK Ltd Managing Director said of Tesni’s success, “Everyone at Delyn Safety is extremely proud of Tesni. She thoroughly deserves this accolade following the amount of time and effort that she puts into her study. It is a pleasure to watch Tesni’s journey and to see how much she cares about the health and safety of her employees.”

Gareth Hughes, Centre Manager CIST & Innovation added: “Tesni is an inspiration to all. It is fantastic to see that the Personal Learning Account has been utilised to support Tesni through her journey in the construction sector and look forward to supporting her in the future.

If you are interested in undertaking a NEBOSH qualification, then you can find out more at including details of applying for PLA.

Tesni achieved the award after gaining 93% in the exam, the highest score in the UK for the year.

Tesni chose to complete the NEBOSH Health and Safety Management Construction (UK) qualification due to her interest in health and safety and the high-risk nature of working within the construction industry. As a Director at Tom James Construction Services Ltd, the family business, along with her husband, people’s health and wellbeing has always been important to Tesni.

Tesni explains: “Staff wellbeing is of the highest importance to us and ensuring that we are doing everything that we can to promote safety in the workplace and that employees go home each day safely to their families. Being able to complete this standard of health and safety training over the last two years has made it possible for me to further develop and become competent in managing the health and safety side of the business.

“We as a company, are accredited with ISO 9001, 14001 and 45001. We have a great team and I think that positive health and safety culture starts from management’s positive attitude. I am always eager to learn and very keen on employee’s development through training, gaining experience to become competent in all roles.”

Tesni applied for the NEBOSH course using the Personal Learning Account (PLA), a programme funded by Welsh Government which allows those who meet the criteria to access free courses and professional qualifications that develop skills and help individuals progress in their career. Access to PLA funding gave Tesni the confidence to leave her previous work as a Social Worker to work full-time in the family business and develop her career within the Construction industry.

On asking how it felt to win the award Tesni said: “It feels amazing! I didn’t believe the news that I was the highest achiever when I first read the email. Coming from a small town and running a small family business, it feels unreal. I am so proud; I am a true believer that if you put the time, effort and learning into anything, you can achieve your goal.

“I must admit, it also felt great being a woman winning the Award for the best candidate in the NEBOSH Health and Safety Management in Construction Certificate, as it is well documented that it is only between 11-15% of women currently working within the construction industry, and I have now added to that statistic.”

Tesni added: “The flexibility with studying the courses online has been great for me living in a rural area, I could complete full days of training, weekly online from home. The information learned through the course was really interesting, and it is always good reflecting on good and bad practice and discovering new and different ways of completing construction work. I have had the pleasure of meeting several Delyn Safety Trainers who have supported me in completing my courses and I am eager to continue with my studies and continue to make health and safety a positive priority in our business with our great team.”

Tesni has now progressed to studying the NEBOSH Diploma for Occupational Health and Safety Management Professionals with Delyn Safety UK Ltd and also has the NEBOSH Environmental Certificate in her sights as the company is also concentrating on reducing carbon emissions.

Mike Joy, Delyn Safety UK Ltd Managing Director said of Tesni’s success, “Everyone at Delyn Safety is extremely proud of Tesni. She thoroughly deserves this accolade following the amount of time and effort that she puts into her study. It is a pleasure to watch Tesni’s journey and to see how much she cares about the health and safety of her employees.”

Gareth Hughes, Centre Manager CIST & Innovation added: “Tesni is an inspiration to all. It is fantastic to see that the Personal Learning Account has been utilised to support Tesni through her journey in the construction sector and look forward to supporting her in the future.

If you are interested in undertaking a NEBOSH qualification, then you can find out more at including details of applying for PLA.

Enillodd Tesni'r wobr ar ôl cael 93% yn yr arholiad, sef y sgôr uchaf trwy Brydain yn ystod y flwyddyn.

Dewisodd Tesni ddilyn y cwrs NEBOSH – Rheoli Iechyd a Diogelwch ym maes Adeiladu oherwydd ei diddordeb mewn iechyd a diogelwch a'r risgiau uchel sy'n gysylltiedig â gweithio yn y diwydiant adeiladu. Mae Tesni a'i gŵr yn gyfarwyddwyr ar Tom James Construction Services Ltd sy'n fusnes teuluol, ac mae iechyd a lles pobl wastad wedi bod yn bwysig iddi.

Esboniodd Tesni: "Mae lles ein staff yn eithriadol o bwysig i ni. Rydan ni gwneud yn siŵr ein bod yn gwneud popeth a allwn ni i hyrwyddo diogelwch yn y gweithle er mwyn i'n gweithwyr allu mynd adref at eu teuluoedd yn ddiogel bob dydd. Mae gallu cwblhau hyfforddiant iechyd a diogelwch ar y safon hon dros y ddwy flynedd ddiwethaf wedi ei gwneud hi'n bosibl i mi ddatblygu ymhellach a dod yn gymwys i reoli ochr iechyd a diogelwch y busnes.

"Rydyn ni fel cwmni wedi'n hachredu gydag ISO 9001, 14001 a 45001. Mae gennym ni dîm penigamp ac yn fy marn i mae diwylliant iechyd a diogelwch cadarnhaol yn deillio o agwedd gadarnhaol y rheolwyr. Rydw i wastad yn awyddus i ddysgu ac yn frwd iawn dros ddatblygu gweithwyr trwy hyfforddiant, a thrwy roi profiadau iddyn nhw a fydd yn eu galluogi i fod yn gymwys ym mhob rôl."

Gwnaeth Tesni gais am y cwrs NEBOSH gan ddefnyddio'r Cyfrif Dysgu Personol (PLA), rhaglen a ariennir gan Lywodraeth Cymru sy'n caniatáu i'r rhai sy'n bodloni'r meini prawf gael mynediad i gyrsiau am ddim ac ennill cymwysterau proffesiynol sy'n meithrin sgiliau ac yn helpu unigolion i symud ymlaen yn eu gyrfa. Rhoddodd y cyllid a oedd ar gael trwy'r rhaglen PLA hyder i Tesni adael ei gwaith fel Gweithiwr Cymdeithasol i weithio'n llawn amser ym musnes y teulu a datblygu ei gyrfa yn y diwydiant Adeiladu.

Pan ofynnwyd iddi sut roedd hi'n teimlo ar ôl ennill y wobr, dywedodd Tesni: "Mae'n deimlad gwych! Pan ddarllenais i'r neges e-bost, doeddwn i ddim yn credu i ddechrau mai fi oedd wedi cael y marciau uchaf. Gan 'mod i'n dod o dref fechan ac yn rhedeg busnes bach teuluol, doedd y peth ddim yn teimlo'n real. Rydw i mor falch ac yn grediniol y gallwch chi gyflawni unrhyw beth o ymdrechu'n ddigon caled.

"Rhaid i mi gyfaddef hefyd bod ennill gwobr i'r ymgeisydd gorau ar y cwrs Tystysgrif NEBOSH – Rheoli Iechyd a Diogelwch ym maes Adeiladu yn deimlad gwych gan fy mod i'n ferch. Mae'n ffaith mai dim ond 11-15% o weithwyr y diwydiant adeiladu sy'n ferched, ac rydw i rŵan wedi ychwanegu at y ffigur hwnnw."

Ychwanegodd Tesni: "Gan fy mod i'm byw mewn ardal wledig roedd yr hyblygrwydd o allu dilyn y cwrs ar-lein yn wych. Ro'n i'n gallu cwblhau dyddiau hyfforddi llawn bob wythnos o'm cartref. Roedd y wybodaeth a gefais ar y cwrs yn ddiddorol tu hwnt, ac mae edrych ar arferion da a drwg bob amser yn syniad da er mwyn dysgu am ffyrdd newydd a gwahanol o gwblhau gwaith adeiladu. Rydw i wedi cael y pleser o gwrdd â nifer o hyfforddwyr o Delyn Safety Trainers sydd wedi fy helpu i gwblhau fy nghyrsiau. Rydw i'n awyddus rŵan i ddal ati i astudio, ac ar y cyd â'r tîm gwych sydd gennym yn y busnes yn edrych ymlaen at barhau i wneud iechyd a diogelwch yn flaenoriaeth gadarnhaol."

Bellach mae Tesni wedi dechrau astudio ar gyfer Diploma Cenedlaethol NEBOSH i Reolwyr Proffesiynol ym maes Iechyd a Diogelwch Galwedigaethol ac mae hi hefyd â'i bryd ar gwblhau Tystysgrif Amgylcheddol NEBOSH gan fod y cwmni'n canolbwyntio ar leihau allyriadau carbon.

Dyma oedd gan Mike Joy, Rheolwr Gyfarwyddwr Delyn Safety UK Ltd, i'w ddweud am lwyddiant Tesni, “Mae pawb yn Delyn Safety yn eithriadol o falch o Tesni. Mae hi'n llwyr haeddu'r wobr yn sgil yr holl amser ac ymdrech a roddodd i'w hastudiaethau. Mae'n bleser dilyn llwyddiant Tesni a gweld pa mor bwysig ydi iechyd a diogelwch ei gweithwyr iddi."

Ychwanegodd Gareth Hughes, Rheolwr Canolfan CIST ac Arloesedd: "Mae Tesni yn ysbrydoliaeth i bawb. Mae'n wych gweld bod y Cyfrif Dysgu Personol wedi cael ei ddefnyddio i gefnogi Tesni ar ei thaith yn y diwydiant adeiladu ac edrychaf ymlaen at ei chefnogi yn y dyfodol.”

Os oes gennych ddiddordeb mewn dilyn cwrs NEBOSH, cewch ragor o wybodaeth ar , gan gynnwys manylion am sut i wneud cais am Gyfrif Dysgu Personol.