Coleg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor and Busnes@LlandrilloMenai logosColeg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor and Busnes@LlandrilloMenai logos

Hard Work Adds Up to Success

A team of professional apprentices from Audit Wales are hoping that hard work will add up to success at the WorldSkills Accounting Technician competition at Barking & Dagenham College on 16-18 November 2022.

Competitors Eleri Davies, Catrin Round and Daron Jones are no strangers to competition having won a Gold Medal at the SkillsCymru Accountancy Competition last year. Supported by their employer Audit Wales they are all currently Apprentice Financial Auditors studying for their level 4 Association of Accounting Technicians with Busnes@LlandrilloMenai.

To progress to WorldSkills the team underwent a gruelling qualification process involving individual and group tests, they are one of just six teams UK-wide who made the cut.

Daron Jones commented: “This is an exciting opportunity. Our strength is as a team because we train together and work together we’re able to unravel tasks together, divide the work according to our personal strengths”.

Yvonne Thomas,Audit Manager Audit Wales commented:

“We’re all extremely proud of Eleri, Catrin and Daron and what they have already achieved. Hard work got them to this stage of the competition and they’ve done a lot of preparation with Busnes@LlandrillioMenai. Audit Wales believes in providing quality training and opportunities for our trainees and we’ve been delighted to watch these guys succeed.”

Speaking on behalf of Busnes@LlandrilloMenai Paul Bevan, Executive Director - Commercial Development commented:

“I speak for everyone at Busnes@LlandrilloMenai when I say how very proud we are of the Audit Wales Accountancy Team’s success. This is a great example what can be achieved when employers, young people and training providers like Busnes@LlandrilloMenai come together to form a successful partnership and deliver excellent training in the workplace. Not only have the young people worked exceptionally hard the AAT teaching team have gone the extra mile to help coach and prepare them for this demanding competition.”

Audit Wales is proud to offer several exciting apprenticeships, including a Financial Audit Apprenticeship and see these as valid alternative routes to study for professional qualifications.

Audit Wales welcomes the diversity that apprenticeships provide and are proud to offer both apprenticeship and graduate opportunities for those looking to study for professional qualifications.

Audit Wales is extremely appreciative of education providers such as Busnes@LlandrilloMenai for their support of their apprenticeship programmes and of the support provided to Eleri, Catrin and Daron. They will be in action on 16-18 November at Barking & Dagenham College, they are up against teams from Lloyds Banking Group, BAE Systems, and Moore UK.

The winners will be announced on the afternoon of 25 November online by Steph McGovern from BBC Breakfast and Channel 4’s Steph’s Packed Lunch.

A team of professional apprentices from Audit Wales are hoping that hard work will add up to success at the WorldSkills Accounting Technician competition at Barking & Dagenham College on 16-18 November 2022.

Competitors Eleri Davies, Catrin Round and Daron Jones are no strangers to competition having won a Gold Medal at the SkillsCymru Accountancy Competition last year. Supported by their employer Audit Wales they are all currently Apprentice Financial Auditors studying for their level 4 Association of Accounting Technicians with Busnes@LlandrilloMenai.

To progress to WorldSkills the team underwent a gruelling qualification process involving individual and group tests, they are one of just six teams UK-wide who made the cut.

Daron Jones commented: “This is an exciting opportunity. Our strength is as a team because we train together and work together we’re able to unravel tasks together, divide the work according to our personal strengths”.

Yvonne Thomas,Audit Manager Audit Wales commented:

“We’re all extremely proud of Eleri, Catrin and Daron and what they have already achieved. Hard work got them to this stage of the competition and they’ve done a lot of preparation with Busnes@LlandrillioMenai. Audit Wales believes in providing quality training and opportunities for our trainees and we’ve been delighted to watch these guys succeed.”

Speaking on behalf of Busnes@LlandrilloMenai Paul Bevan, Executive Director - Commercial Development commented:

“I speak for everyone at Busnes@LlandrilloMenai when I say how very proud we are of the Audit Wales Accountancy Team’s success. This is a great example what can be achieved when employers, young people and training providers like Busnes@LlandrilloMenai come together to form a successful partnership and deliver excellent training in the workplace. Not only have the young people worked exceptionally hard the AAT teaching team have gone the extra mile to help coach and prepare them for this demanding competition.”

Audit Wales is proud to offer several exciting apprenticeships, including a Financial Audit Apprenticeship and see these as valid alternative routes to study for professional qualifications.

Audit Wales welcomes the diversity that apprenticeships provide and are proud to offer both apprenticeship and graduate opportunities for those looking to study for professional qualifications.

Audit Wales is extremely appreciative of education providers such as Busnes@LlandrilloMenai for their support of their apprenticeship programmes and of the support provided to Eleri, Catrin and Daron. They will be in action on 16-18 November at Barking & Dagenham College, they are up against teams from Lloyds Banking Group, BAE Systems, and Moore UK.

The winners will be announced on the afternoon of 25 November online by Steph McGovern from BBC Breakfast and Channel 4’s Steph’s Packed Lunch.

Nid yw'r cystadleuwyr Eleri Davies, Catrin Round a Daron Jones yn ddiarth i gystadlu wedi ennill Medal Aur yng Nghystadleuaeth Cyfrifyddu Sgiliau Cymru'r flwyddyn ddiwethaf. Wedi eu cyflogi gan eu cyflogwr Archwilio Cymru maent i gyd yn Archwilwyr Ariannol Prentisiaeth sydd yn astudio ar gyfer eu lefel 4 gyda Chymdeithas y Technegwyr Cyfrifyddu gyda Busnes@LlandrilloMenai.

I fynd ymlaen i WorldSkills aeth y tîm drwy broses gymhwyso heriol yn ymwneud gyda phrofion unigol a grŵp, maent yn un o chwe thîm ledled y Deyrnas Unedig a gyrhaeddodd y gofynion.

Meddai Daron Jones: "Mae hwn yn gyfle cyffrous. Gorwedd ein cryfder fel tîm yn y ffaith ein bod yn hyfforddi gyda'n gilydd ac wrth gydweithio rydym yn llwyddo i ddatrys tasgau, rhannu'r gwaith yn ôl ein cryfderau personol".

Dywedodd Yvonne Tomas, Rheolwr Archwilio, Archwilio Cymru:

"Rydym i gyd yn eithriadol o falch o Eleri, Catrin a Daron a'r hyn a gyflawnwyd ganddynt yn barod. Llwyddodd gwaith caled ennill lle iddynt y cam hwn o'r gystadleuaeth ac maent wedi gwneud llawer o baratoi gyda Busnes@Llandrillo Menai. Mae Archwilio Cymru yn credu mewn darparu hyfforddiant o ansawdd a chyfleoedd ar gyfer ein hyfforddeion ac rydym wedi bod wrth ein boddau i weld y bobl hyn yn llwyddo. "

Gan siarad ar ran Busnes@LlandrilloMenai dywedodd Paul Bevan, Uwch Gyfarwyddwr – Datblygiadau Masnachol:

"Rwy'n siarad ar ran pawb yn Busnes@LlandrilloMenai pan ddywedaf pa mor falch ydym o lwyddiant Tîm Cyfrifyddu Archwilio Cymru. Mae hwn yn esiampl gwych o'r hyn y gellir ei gyflawni pan fo pobl ifanc a darparwyr hyfforddiant fel Busnes@LlandrilloMenai yn dod at ei gilydd i ffurfio partneriaeth lwyddiannus a darparu hyfforddiant ardderchog yn y gweithle. Nid yn unig gwnaeth y bobl ifanc weithio'n eithriadol o galed, mae'r tîm AAT wedi mynd yr ail filltir i helpu hyfforddi a'u paratoi ar gyfer y gystadleuaeth heriol hon."

Mae Archwilio Cymru yn falch iawn o gynnig prentisiaethau cyffrous, gan gynnwys Prentisiaeth Archwilio Ariannol, ac yn gweld y rhain fel llwybrau eraill dilys i astudio ar gyfer cymwysterau proffesiynol.

Mae Archwilio Cymru yn croesawu'r amrywiaeth y mae'r prentisiaethau yn eu darparu ac rydym yn falch o gynnig cyfleoedd Prentisiaeth ac i raddedigion ar gyfer y rhai sydd yn ceisio astudio ar gyfer cyfleusterau proffesiynol. "

Mae Archwilio Cymru yn werthfawrogol iawn o ddarparwyr hyfforddiant megis Busnes@LlandrilloMenai ar gyfer eu cefnogaeth i'w rhaglenni prentisiaeth ac am y gefnogaeth a ddarparwyd i Eleri, Catrin a Daron. Byddant wrthi ar 16-18 Tachwedd yng Ngholeg Barking a Dagenham. Maent yn wynebu timau o Lloyds Banking Group, BAE Systems, a Moore UK.

Cyhoeddir yr enillwyr ar brynhawn Tachwedd 25 ar-lein gan Steph McGovern o BBC Breakfast a Steph's Packed Lunch Channel 4.