Coleg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor and Busnes@LlandrilloMenai logosColeg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor and Busnes@LlandrilloMenai logos

Mona Lifting invest in Solar as company aims for Net Zero

The MP for Ynys Môn Virginia Crosbie visited Mona Lifting’s HQ at Llangefni recently along with the project team from Busnes@LlandrilloMenai’s Green Digital Academy to learn more about the company’s new £50k investment in Photovoltaic (PV) solar power.

The Green Digital Academy, funded through the UK Government's Community Renewal Fund (UKCRF) works closely with SMEs to provide an evaluation report and consultancy support and advice to help them adapt and reduce their carbon footprint.

Mona Group was amongst the first to benefit from the project which has enabled companies to work with an Energy and Sustainability consultant, each consultation resulting in a ‘road map towards net zero’.

Gethin Rees Jones, Operations Director, Mona Group explains:

“This project provided us with a thorough analysis of our operations. Our Energy and Sustainability consultant helped us understand which parts of the business we need to focus on as we strive to minimise the company’s carbon footprint.

“As a company we had contemplated installing solar PV previously but the support and knowledge that Green Digital gave us has allowed us to analyse the data and gain an understanding of our current carbon footprint, which then influenced our decision to commit to the investment.

“With the help of the project we are now planning for further investments. Future developments include EV charging points, diversifying the fleet to include electric vehicles and working with Anglesey County Council to install further renewable technologies to complement solar PV.”

Speaking at the event Virginia Crosbie commented:

“It’s a real pleasure to visit Mona Group to see for myself the investment they’ve already made in renewables and learn more about their future investment plans.

“It is an organisation working effectively with me as I push forward my priorities to bring jobs and investment to our communities. This is also a great example of how UK Government money, through the UKCRF fund, is delivering real change here on Anglesey. Working together we can achieve a great deal and I thank Mona for inviting me.”

So far the Green Digital Academy project has worked with 25 Anglesey businesses and a further 30 in Gwynedd. The project is ready to deliver more for Anglesey and Gwynedd and also extend the benefit to companies in North Wales through Shared Prosperity Funding

Project Manager Gary Jones commented:

"Forward thinking businesses like Mona Group are a great example of how the Green Digital Academy has enabled them to plan for and invest in Net Zero. The Academy's decarbonisation plans equip businesses with an actionable and business relevant plan to get there.

“We are in the process of expanding the Green Digital Academy Project with a hope to secure UK Government funding through the Shared Prosperity Fund with the ambitious goal of supporting 100s more businesses across the whole of North Wales.”

Busnes@LlandrilloMenai is part of Grŵp Llandrillo Menai, and provides training and support specifically targeted to businesses. Through this project the aim is to help businesses to take realistic actions to meet their environmental objectives and increase their digital capability.

The Green Digital Academy, funded through the UK Government's Community Renewal Fund (UKCRF) works closely with SMEs to provide an evaluation report and consultancy support and advice to help them adapt and reduce their carbon footprint.

Mona Group was amongst the first to benefit from the project which has enabled companies to work with an Energy and Sustainability consultant, each consultation resulting in a ‘road map towards net zero’.

Gethin Rees Jones, Operations Director, Mona Group explains:

“This project provided us with a thorough analysis of our operations. Our Energy and Sustainability consultant helped us understand which parts of the business we need to focus on as we strive to minimise the company’s carbon footprint.

“As a company we had contemplated installing solar PV previously but the support and knowledge that Green Digital gave us has allowed us to analyse the data and gain an understanding of our current carbon footprint, which then influenced our decision to commit to the investment.

“With the help of the project we are now planning for further investments. Future developments include EV charging points, diversifying the fleet to include electric vehicles and working with Anglesey County Council to install further renewable technologies to complement solar PV.”

Speaking at the event Virginia Crosbie commented:

“It’s a real pleasure to visit Mona Group to see for myself the investment they’ve already made in renewables and learn more about their future investment plans.

“It is an organisation working effectively with me as I push forward my priorities to bring jobs and investment to our communities. This is also a great example of how UK Government money, through the UKCRF fund, is delivering real change here on Anglesey. Working together we can achieve a great deal and I thank Mona for inviting me.”

So far the Green Digital Academy project has worked with 25 Anglesey businesses and a further 30 in Gwynedd. The project is ready to deliver more for Anglesey and Gwynedd and also extend the benefit to companies in North Wales through Shared Prosperity Funding

Project Manager Gary Jones commented:

"Forward thinking businesses like Mona Group are a great example of how the Green Digital Academy has enabled them to plan for and invest in Net Zero. The Academy's decarbonisation plans equip businesses with an actionable and business relevant plan to get there.

“We are in the process of expanding the Green Digital Academy Project with a hope to secure UK Government funding through the Shared Prosperity Fund with the ambitious goal of supporting 100s more businesses across the whole of North Wales.”

Busnes@LlandrilloMenai is part of Grŵp Llandrillo Menai, and provides training and support specifically targeted to businesses. Through this project the aim is to help businesses to take realistic actions to meet their environmental objectives and increase their digital capability.

Mae’r Academi Ddigidol Werdd, sy’n cael ei chyllido drwy Gronfa Adfywio Cymunedol Llywodraeth y Deyrnas Unedig (UKCRF), yn gweithio’n agos gyda mentrau bach a chanolig i ddarparu adroddiad gwerthuso a chefnogaeth a chyngor ymgynghoriaeth i’w helpu i addasu ac i leihau eu hôl troed carbon.

Roedd Mona Group ymhlith y cyntaf i elwa o’r prosiect sydd wedi galluogi cwmnïau i weithio gydag ymgynghorydd ynni a chynaladwyedd, gyda phob ymgynghoriad yn arwain i ‘fap ffordd tuag at sero net’.

Fel mae Gethin Rees Jones, y Cyfarwyddwr Gweithrediadau yn Mona Group yn ei egluro: “Mae’r prosiect hwn wedi rhoi dadansoddiad trylwyr i ni o’n gweithrediadau. Helpodd ein ymgynghorydd ynni a chynaladwyedd ni i ddeall pa rannau o’r busnes rydym angen canolbwyntio arnynt wrth i ni ymdrechu i leihau ôl troed carbon y cwmni.

“Roeddem, fel cwmni, wedi meddwl gosod solar PV yn flaenorol ond mae’r gefnogaeth a’r wybodaeth mae Digidol Werdd wedi ei roi i ni wedi ein galluogi ni i ddadansoddi’r data ac i gael dealltwriaeth o’n hôl troed carbon presennol, a ddylanwadodd wedyn ar ein penderfyniad i ymrwymo i’r buddsoddiad.

“Gyda chymorth y prosiect, rydym nawr yn cynllunio ar gyfer buddsoddiadau pellach. Mae datblygiadau’r dyfodol yn cynnwys pwyntiau gwefru EV, amrywio’r cerbydau i gynnwys cerbydau trydan a gweithio gyda Chyngor Sir Ynys Môn i osod mwy o dechnolegau adnewyddadwy i gyd-fynd â solar.”

Pan yn siarad yn y digwyddiad, dywedodd Virginia Crosbie: “Mae’n bleser ymweld â Mona Group i weld drosof fy hun y buddsoddiad maent wedi ei wneud eisioes mewn technoleg adnewyddadwy ac i ddysgu mwy am eu cynlluniau buddsoddi i’r dyfodol.

“Mae’n sefydliad sy’n gweithio’n effeithiol gyda mi wrth i mi wthio ‘mlaen gyda fy mlaenoriaethau i ddod â swyddi a buddsoddiad i’n cymunedau. Mae hefyd yn esiampl gwych o sut mae arian Llywodraeth y Deyrnas Unedig, drwy’r gronfa UKCRF, yn dod â newid go iawn yma ar Ynys Môn. Trwy weithio gyda’n gilydd gallwn gyflawni llawer a diolch i Mona am fy ngwahodd.”

Hyd yn hyn, mae prosiect yr Academi Ddigidol Werdd wedi gweithio gyda 25 o fusnesau Ynys Môn a 30 arall yng Ngwynedd. Mae’r prosiect yn barod i ddarparu mwy ar gyfer Ynys Môn a Gwynedd ac hefyd i ehangu’r budd i gwmnïau yng Ngogledd Cymru drwy Gronfa Ffyniant Gyffredin y DU.

Dywedodd y Rheolwr Prosiect Gary Jones: "Mae busnesau blaengar fel Mona Group yn esiampl gwych o sut mae’r Academi Ddigidol Werdd wedi eu galluogi i gynllunio ac i fuddsoddi mewn Sero Net. Mae cynlluniau datgarboneiddio’r academi yn rhoi cynllun gellir ei weithredu, sy’n berthnasol i fusnes, i fusnesau allu cyflawni hynny.

“Rydym yn y broses o ehangu prosiect yr Academi Ddigidol Werdd gyda’r gobaith o sicrhau cyllid gan Lywodraeth y Deyrnas Unedig drwy’r Gronfa Ffyniant Gyffredin gyda’n nod uchelgeisiol o gefnogi cannoedd yn fwy o fusnesau ar draws Gogledd Cymru gyfan.”

Mae Busnes@LlandrilloMenai yn rhan o Grŵp Llandrillo Menai, ac yn darparu hyfforddiant sydd wedi’i dargedu’n benodol tuag at fusnesau. Drwy’r prosiect hwn, y nod yw i helpu busnesau i gymryd camau realistig i gyfarfod eu hamcanion amgylcheddol ac i gynyddu eu gallu digidol.