Coleg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor and Busnes@LlandrilloMenai logosColeg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor and Busnes@LlandrilloMenai logos

Numbers add up for Grŵp Llandrillo Menai’s Apprentice of the Year

The numbers have added up for Skills Competition Wales accounting gold medallist Eleri Davies who has won the Grŵp Llandrillo Menai’s Overall Apprentice of the Year 2023 award

Eleri, who works for Audit Wales, collected the accolade at a ceremony held at Venue Cymru on February 8th, adding it to Apprentice of the Year for Accountancy award on a night of celebration for work-based learning winners.

Having achieved her Association of Accounting Technicians (AAT) Level 3 Apprenticeship with a distinction, she is now working towards a Higher Apprenticeship (Level 4) Diploma in Professional Accounting.

She was a member of a Grŵp Llandrillo Menai team that achieved a gold medal for accounting at Skills Competition Wales and went on to compete at the WorldSkills UK final in November.

Eleri also supports fellow apprentices on a Buddy Scheme at work and has volunteered to become the fire marshal for Audit Wales’ North-West cluster. In her spare time, she is treasurer of Y Gorlan charity and a Sunday school teacher.

Auditor General for Wales Adrian Crompton said: “We are all immensely proud of Eleri. To receive the award for both apprentice of the year for accountancy and overall apprentice of the year is a fantastic achievement.

“Eleri’s success is richly deserved and testament to her drive, determination and commitment. Audit Wales is committed to the AAT qualification and working in partnership with Busnes@LlandrilloMenai to deliver what has proved to be a successful programme, supporting both the personal and professional development of our apprentices.”

Paul Bevan, executive director business development at Busnes@LlandrilloMenai, said: “Many congratulations to Eleri on being named Overall Apprentice of the Year 2023 and all the apprenticeship winners and their employers. I’d like to wish Eleri and all the winners all the best for their future careers.

“It is fantastic to be able to mark National Apprenticeship Week by celebrating the best apprentices from across North Wales, all of whom have benefitted from the Welsh Government’s Apprenticeship Programme.

“Every year, the Grŵp Llandrillo Menai Work Based Learning Consortium supports a wide range of apprentice learners at all levels. Not only school leavers, but those seeking to change sectors, and those experienced employees and managers wishing to develop their careers further through higher level apprenticeship programmes.

Emma McMillan, AAT tutor at Busnes@LlandrilloMenai, said: “Eleri is an outstanding learner with a caring nature. Not only does she always approach every task with enthusiasm but she also supports her co-learners.

“She has become an ambassador for accountancy within the Grŵp and is active on social media promoting both AAT and Audit Wales, along with supporting local business and colleagues.

“She is always looking for the next opportunity to develop. The personal development she’s demonstrated since embarking on AAT at Level 2 is outstanding in terms of her knowledge, confidence and self-belief. Her vibrant personality has rubbed off on us all and I'm honoured to be part of her AAT journey and look forward to seeing what she does next.”

The other award winners were: Service Industries Apprentice of the Year: Kelly Ann Hawkes, Welsh Ambulance Service. Hospitality Apprentice of the Year: Victoria Mylchreest-Jones, Myddleton College, Denbigh. Sports Coaching and Education Apprentice of the Year: Ryan Evans, Saltney Ferry County Primary School. Childcare Apprentice of the Year: Malgorzata Bienko, School Lane Preschool, Llandudno. Employability Apprentice of the Year: Harry Dootson. Business Administration and Retail Apprentice of the Year: Mason Baker, Sports For Champions UK CIC. Management Apprentice of the Year: David Wyn Edwards, Betsi Cadwaladr Health Board NHS Trust Ysbyty Alltwen. Hospitality Apprentice of the Year (Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol) : Jack Quinney, Sheeps and Leeks restaurant in Caernarfon. Built Environment Apprentice of the Year: Rebecca Jayne Hughes, Babcock Group. Land Based Industries Apprentice of the Year, Hannah Martland, Bodrwnsiwn Veterinary Practice.

Eleri, who works for Audit Wales, collected the accolade at a ceremony held at Venue Cymru on February 8th, adding it to Apprentice of the Year for Accountancy award on a night of celebration for work-based learning winners.

Having achieved her Association of Accounting Technicians (AAT) Level 3 Apprenticeship with a distinction, she is now working towards a Higher Apprenticeship (Level 4) Diploma in Professional Accounting.

She was a member of a Grŵp Llandrillo Menai team that achieved a gold medal for accounting at Skills Competition Wales and went on to compete at the WorldSkills UK final in November.

Eleri also supports fellow apprentices on a Buddy Scheme at work and has volunteered to become the fire marshal for Audit Wales’ North-West cluster. In her spare time, she is treasurer of Y Gorlan charity and a Sunday school teacher.

Auditor General for Wales Adrian Crompton said: “We are all immensely proud of Eleri. To receive the award for both apprentice of the year for accountancy and overall apprentice of the year is a fantastic achievement.

“Eleri’s success is richly deserved and testament to her drive, determination and commitment. Audit Wales is committed to the AAT qualification and working in partnership with Busnes@LlandrilloMenai to deliver what has proved to be a successful programme, supporting both the personal and professional development of our apprentices.”

Paul Bevan, executive director business development at Busnes@LlandrilloMenai, said: “Many congratulations to Eleri on being named Overall Apprentice of the Year 2023 and all the apprenticeship winners and their employers. I’d like to wish Eleri and all the winners all the best for their future careers.

“It is fantastic to be able to mark National Apprenticeship Week by celebrating the best apprentices from across North Wales, all of whom have benefitted from the Welsh Government’s Apprenticeship Programme.

“Every year, the Grŵp Llandrillo Menai Work Based Learning Consortium supports a wide range of apprentice learners at all levels. Not only school leavers, but those seeking to change sectors, and those experienced employees and managers wishing to develop their careers further through higher level apprenticeship programmes.

Emma McMillan, AAT tutor at Busnes@LlandrilloMenai, said: “Eleri is an outstanding learner with a caring nature. Not only does she always approach every task with enthusiasm but she also supports her co-learners.

“She has become an ambassador for accountancy within the Grŵp and is active on social media promoting both AAT and Audit Wales, along with supporting local business and colleagues.

“She is always looking for the next opportunity to develop. The personal development she’s demonstrated since embarking on AAT at Level 2 is outstanding in terms of her knowledge, confidence and self-belief. Her vibrant personality has rubbed off on us all and I'm honoured to be part of her AAT journey and look forward to seeing what she does next.”

The other award winners were: Service Industries Apprentice of the Year: Kelly Ann Hawkes, Welsh Ambulance Service. Hospitality Apprentice of the Year: Victoria Mylchreest-Jones, Myddleton College, Denbigh. Sports Coaching and Education Apprentice of the Year: Ryan Evans, Saltney Ferry County Primary School. Childcare Apprentice of the Year: Malgorzata Bienko, School Lane Preschool, Llandudno. Employability Apprentice of the Year: Harry Dootson. Business Administration and Retail Apprentice of the Year: Mason Baker, Sports For Champions UK CIC. Management Apprentice of the Year: David Wyn Edwards, Betsi Cadwaladr Health Board NHS Trust Ysbyty Alltwen. Hospitality Apprentice of the Year (Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol) : Jack Quinney, Sheeps and Leeks restaurant in Caernarfon. Built Environment Apprentice of the Year: Rebecca Jayne Hughes, Babcock Group. Land Based Industries Apprentice of the Year, Hannah Martland, Bodrwnsiwn Veterinary Practice.

Casglodd Eleri, sy’n gweithio i Archwilio Cymru, y wobr yn y seremoni a gynhaliwyd yn Venue Cymru ar 8fed Chwefror, gan ei hychwanegu at ei gwobr fel Prentis y Flwyddyn mewn Cyfrifeg, ar noson o ddathlu ar gyfer enillwyr y gwobrau dysgu yn y gweithle.

Wedi iddi ennill ei Phrentisiaeth Lefel 3 Cymdeithas y Technegwyr Cyfrifydda (AAT) gyda rhagoriaeth, mae’n gweithio tuag at Ddiploma Prentisiaeth Uwch (Lefel 4) mewn Cyfrifeg Proffesiynol erbyn hyn.

Roedd yn aelod o dîm Grŵp Llandrillo Menai a dderbyniodd fedal aur am eu sgiliau cyfrifo yng Nghystadleuaeth Sgiliau Cymru, gan fynd ymlaen i gystadlu yn rownd derfynol WorldSkills y Deyrnas Unedig ym mis Tachwedd.

Mae Eleri hefyd yn cefnogi ei chyd-brentisiaid ar Gynllun Cyfaill yn y gwaith ac hefyd wedi gwirfoddoli i fod yn farsial tân ar gyfer clwstwr Gogledd-Orllewin Archwilio Cymru. Yn ei hamser sbâr, mae’n drysorydd i’r elusen Y Gorlan ac yn athrawes Ysgol Sul.

Dywedodd Archwilydd Cyffredinol Cymru Adrian Crompton: “Rydyn ni i gyd yn hynod falch o Eleri. Mae derbyn y wobr am brentis y flwyddyn ar gyfer cyfrifo a’r wobr gyffredinol am brentis y flwyddyn yn gyflawniad gwych.

“Mae llwyddiant Eleri yn llwyr haeddiannol ac yn brawf i’w hegni, ei phenderfyniad a’i hymrwymiad. Mae Archwilio Cymru’n ymrwymedig i’r cymhwyster ATT ac i weithio mewn partneriaeth gyda Busnes@LlandrilloMenai i ddarparu beth sydd wedi profi i fod yn rhaglen lwyddiannus, sy’n cefnogi datblygiad personol a phroffesiynol ein prentisiaid.”

Dywedodd Paul Bevan, cyfarwyddwr gweithredol datblygu busnes yn Busnes@LlandrilloMenai: “Llongyfarchiadau mawr i Eleri ar gael ei henwi’n Brentis Cyffredinol y Flwyddyn 2023 ac i enillwyr yr holl brentisiaethau a’u cyflogwyr. Hoffwn ddymuno’n dda i Eleri a’r holl enillwyr ar gyfer eu gyrfaoedd i’r dyfodol.

“Mae’n wych gallu nodi achlysur Wythnos Genedlaethol Prentisiaethau drwy ddathlu’r prentisiaid gorau ar draws Gogledd Cymru, sydd oll wedi elwa o Raglen Prentisiaethau Llywodraeth Cymru.

“Bob blwyddyn, mae Consortiwm Dysgu yn y Gweithle Grŵp Llandrillo Menai yn cefnogi ystod eang o ddysgwyr prentis ar bob lefel. Nid yn unig rhai sydd newydd adael yr ysgol, ond rhai sy’n edrych i newid sectorau, a’r cyflogai a’r rheolwyr profiadol hynny sy’n dymuno datblygu eu gyrfaoedd ymhellach drwy raglenni prentisiaeth lefel uwch.

Dywedodd Emma McMillan, tiwtor AAT yn Busnes@LlandrilloMenai, fod: “Eleri yn ddysgwr rhagorol gyda natur ofalgar. Nid yn unig mae hi’n wynebu pob tasg gyda brwdfrydedd, mae hi hefyd yn cefnogi ei chyd-ddysgwyr.

“Mae hi wedi dod yn lysgennad ar gyfer cyfrifeg of fewn y Grŵp ac yn weithgar ar y cyfryngau cymdeithasol yn hyrwyddo AAT ac Archwilio Cymru, yn ogystal â chefnogi busnesau lleol a’i chydweithwyr.

“Mae bob amser yn edrych am y cyfle nesaf i ddatbygu. Mae’r datblygiad personol mae hi wedi ei arddangos ers iddi ddechrau ar yr AAT Lefel 2 yn rhagorol o safbwynt ei gwybodaeth, ei hyder a’i huan-gred. Mae ei phersonoliaeth bywiog wedi ein cyffwrdd ni i gyd ac mae’n anrhydedd i mi i fod yn rhan o’i thaith AAT ac edrychaf ymlaen i weld beth y bydd hi’n ei wneud nesaf.”

Enillwyr y gwobrau eraill oedd: Prentis y Flwyddyn y Diwydiannau Gwasanaeth: Kelly Ann Hawkes, Gwasanaeth Ambiwlans Cymru. Prentis y Flwyddyn mewn Lletygarwch: Victoria Mylchreest-Jones, Coleg Myddleton, Dinbych. Prentis y Flwyddyn mewn Hyfforddiant Chwaraeon ac Addysg: Ryan Evans, Saltney Ferry County Primary School. Prentis y Flwyddyn mewn Gofal Plant: Malgorzata Bienko, School Lane Preschool, Llandudno. Prentis y Flwyddyn mewn Cyflogadwyedd: Harry Dootson. Prentis y Flwyddyn mewn Gweinyddu Busnes a Manwerthu: Mason Baker, Sports For Champions UK CIC. Prentis y Flwyddyn mewn Rheoli: David Wyn Edwards, Bwrdd Iechyd Betsi Cadwaladr, Ymddiriedolaeth GIG Ysbyty Alltwen. Prentis y Flwyddyn mewn Lletygarwch (Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol): Jack Quinney, bwyty Sheeps and Leeks yng Nghaernarfon. Prentis y Flwyddyn yr Amgylchedd Adeiledig: Rebecca Jayne Hughes, Babcock Group. Prentis y Flwyddyn Diwydiannau’r Tir: Hannah Martland, Bodrwnsiwn Veterinary Practice.