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Showcasing Sgiliau Môn

Apprentices from some of Ynys Môn’s (Anglesey’s) top employers descended on Westminster yesterday (31/10/22) to showcase not only the breadth of companies on the island but also how these businesses are using the apprenticeship scheme to train and develop a local workforce.

Hosted by Virginia Crosbie, Member of Parliament for Ynys Môn in partnership with Grŵp Llandrillo Menai - one of the UK’s leading further education providers and which includes the apprenticeship provision for North Wales and Anglesey’s Further Education College, the event offered MPs from across the political spectrum to find out more about Môn businesses and their talented apprentices.

Speaking at the event Virginia explained her motivation for hosting ‘Diwrnod Sgiliau Môn / Anglesey Skills Day’: “It’s been an honour to be able to host some of Anglesey’s businesses and young people here at Westminster.

“I love Anglesey and I will do anything I can to make it a better place for everyone to live - especially our young people. A big part of achieving this is for the island to be home to highly skilled and well-paid jobs. My Dad had to leave Wales to find work, I am determined that the current generation won’t be forced to do the same.

“It was great for my colleagues at Westminster to meet some of the fantastic companies we have here on Anglesey and introduce them to apprentices who are benefitting from quality training in the workplace.

“There is so much potential on Ynys Môn for renewable, nuclear and even hydrogen energy, a freeport or to grasp the investment opportunities that will come with Levelling-Up.”

Attending the event was Babcock Group, in 2016 the company launched an Aeronautical Engineering Apprenticeship Scheme based at RAF Valley on Anglesey in partnership with Grŵp Llandrillo Menai. The scheme so far has seen 61 apprentices training at RAF Valley with Babcock Group, the vast majority of whom continue to develop their careers with the company.

Holyhead Marine Services Ltd, an international boat building company based in Holyhead also attended with current apprentice Connor Williams, the company has a strong track record of employing apprentices. Nick Colin York, Managing Director from Holyhead Marine explained:

“Holyhead Marine designs and builds commercial and military craft. We recently delivered two 16m Fire Boats for the London Fire Brigade. Our commitment to the apprenticeship scheme goes all the way back to the 1980s; we've trained over 50 apprentices to date, with one recently promoted to supervisor. I’m very proud to be here today representing Holyhead Marine just a stone’s throw away from the Thames where new fire boats are stationed.”

Dafydd Evans, CEO Grŵp Llandrillo Menai also commented:

“I’m delighted to be at Westminster today showcasing Sgiliau Môn, we’re immensely proud of the contribution these young people are making in their communities.

“The event today reflects how Grŵp Llandrillo Menai’s works with businesses and young people to build careers and create opportunities for the to develop the skills they need to go on to have successful and fulfilling careers.”

Also attending was Ynys Môn eaterie The Oyster Catcher at Rhosneigr, Carelink Homecare Services Ltd a North Wales company that supports individuals across Ynys Môn to live independently in their own homes and Anglesey County Council (Cyngor Sir Ynys Mon), the council employs apprentices in a wide range of trades from plumbing and heating to customer service and management.

Diwrnod Sgiliau Môn / Anglesey Skills Day was hosted by Virginia Crosbie and sponsored by Bechtel, Sizewell C, Last Energy, Read Construction and WSP.

The Apprenticeship Programme in Wales is funded by the Welsh Government with support from the European Social Fund.

Hosted by Virginia Crosbie, Member of Parliament for Ynys Môn in partnership with Grŵp Llandrillo Menai - one of the UK’s leading further education providers and which includes the apprenticeship provision for North Wales and Anglesey’s Further Education College, the event offered MPs from across the political spectrum to find out more about Môn businesses and their talented apprentices.

Speaking at the event Virginia explained her motivation for hosting ‘Diwrnod Sgiliau Môn / Anglesey Skills Day’: “It’s been an honour to be able to host some of Anglesey’s businesses and young people here at Westminster.

“I love Anglesey and I will do anything I can to make it a better place for everyone to live - especially our young people. A big part of achieving this is for the island to be home to highly skilled and well-paid jobs. My Dad had to leave Wales to find work, I am determined that the current generation won’t be forced to do the same.

“It was great for my colleagues at Westminster to meet some of the fantastic companies we have here on Anglesey and introduce them to apprentices who are benefitting from quality training in the workplace.

“There is so much potential on Ynys Môn for renewable, nuclear and even hydrogen energy, a freeport or to grasp the investment opportunities that will come with Levelling-Up.”

Attending the event was Babcock Group, in 2016 the company launched an Aeronautical Engineering Apprenticeship Scheme based at RAF Valley on Anglesey in partnership with Grŵp Llandrillo Menai. The scheme so far has seen 61 apprentices training at RAF Valley with Babcock Group, the vast majority of whom continue to develop their careers with the company.

Holyhead Marine Services Ltd, an international boat building company based in Holyhead also attended with current apprentice Connor Williams, the company has a strong track record of employing apprentices. Nick Colin York, Managing Director from Holyhead Marine explained:

“Holyhead Marine designs and builds commercial and military craft. We recently delivered two 16m Fire Boats for the London Fire Brigade. Our commitment to the apprenticeship scheme goes all the way back to the 1980s; we've trained over 50 apprentices to date, with one recently promoted to supervisor. I’m very proud to be here today representing Holyhead Marine just a stone’s throw away from the Thames where new fire boats are stationed.”

Dafydd Evans, CEO Grŵp Llandrillo Menai also commented:

“I’m delighted to be at Westminster today showcasing Sgiliau Môn, we’re immensely proud of the contribution these young people are making in their communities.

“The event today reflects how Grŵp Llandrillo Menai’s works with businesses and young people to build careers and create opportunities for the to develop the skills they need to go on to have successful and fulfilling careers.”

Also attending was Ynys Môn eaterie The Oyster Catcher at Rhosneigr, Carelink Homecare Services Ltd a North Wales company that supports individuals across Ynys Môn to live independently in their own homes and Anglesey County Council (Cyngor Sir Ynys Mon), the council employs apprentices in a wide range of trades from plumbing and heating to customer service and management.

Diwrnod Sgiliau Môn / Anglesey Skills Day was hosted by Virginia Crosbie and sponsored by Bechtel, Sizewell C, Last Energy, Read Construction and WSP.

The Apprenticeship Programme in Wales is funded by the Welsh Government with support from the European Social Fund.

Llywydd y digwyddiad oedd Virginia Crosbie, Aelod o'r Senedd dros Ynys Môn, mewn partneriaeth â Grŵp Llandrillo Menai - un o ddarparwyr addysg bellach mwyaf y DU. Mae'r Grŵp hefyd yn gyfrifol am ddarpariaeth prentisiaethau yng Ngogledd Cymru a choleg Addysg Bellach Ynys Môn. Yn ystod y digwyddiad, gwahoddwyd Aelodau Seneddol o bob plaid wleidyddol i ddod i ganfod rhagor am fusnesau Ynys Môn a'u prentisiaid talentog.

Wrth siarad yn y digwyddiad, eglurodd Virgina beth oedd bwriad 'Diwrnod Sgiliau Môn/ Anglesey Skills Day': "Mae wedi bod yn fraint i groesawu rhai o fusnesau a phobl ifanc Ynys Môn i San Steffan heddiw.

"Rydw i'n caru Ynys Môn ac mi wna i bopeth o fewn fy ngallu i'w wneud yn le gwell i fyw arni - yn enwedig i'n pobl ifanc. Rhan allweddol o hyn ydy sicrhau bod yr ynys yn gartref i swyddi sgil uchel sy'n talu'n dda. Bu'n rhaid i fy nhad adael Cymru i ddod o hyd i waith - dyna pam rwyf yn gweithio yn galed i geisio sicrhau nad fydd gofyn i'r genhedlaeth bresennol wneud yr un peth.

"Roedd yn gyfle gwych i fy nghydweithwyr yn San Steffan gwrdd â rhai o'r cwmnïau gwych sydd gennym yma ar Ynys Môn, ac yn gyfle i'w cyflwyno i brentisiaid sy'n elwa o hyfforddiant o'r safon uchaf yn y gweithle.

"Mae cymaint o botensial yma ar Ynys Môn, creu ynni adnewyddadwy, ynni niwclear a hyd yn oed ynni hydrogen, y porthladd rhydd a chyfleodd i fuddsoddi a ddaw yn sgil y Gronfa Ffyniant Bro."

Roedd Babcock Group yn y digwyddiad, y cwmni a ddechreuodd gynllun Brentisiaeth Peirianneg Awyrennaeth yn RAF y Fali ar Ynys Môn yn 2016, mewn partneriaeth â Grŵp Llandrillo Menai. Mae 61 prentis wedi eu hyfforddi yn RAF y Fali gyda Babcock Group erbyn hyn a'r rhan fwyaf ohonynt wedi aros yn y cwmni i ddatblygu eu gyrfaoedd ymhellach.

Daeth Holyhead Marine Service Ltd yno hefyd, cwmni rhyngwladol sy'n adeiladu cychod yng Nghaergybi, a gyda nhw daeth eu prentis presennol Connor Williams. Mae gan y cwmni hwn brofiad helaeth o gyflogi prentisiaid. Eglurodd Colin York, Rheolwr Gyfarwyddwr Holyhead Marine:

Mae Holyhead Marine yn cynllunio ac yn adeiladu llongau masnachol a milwrol. Mae contractau diweddar yn cynnwys dau Fad Tân 16m ar gyfer Brigâd Dân Llundain. Rydym wedi ymrwymo i'r cynllun brentisiaethau ers y 1980au, rydym wedi hyfforddi dros 50 o brentisiaid hyd yma, ac mae un newydd gael ei benodi'n oruchwyliwr. Rydw i'n falch iawn o fod yma heddiw yn cynrychioli Holyhead Marine, o fewn tafliad carreg i ble mae'r badau tân newydd yn gweithio ar afon Tafwys.

Ychwanegodd Dafydd Evans, Prif Weithredwr Grŵp Llandrillo Menai

"Rydw i wrth fy modd i fod yn San Steffan heddiw yn arddangos Sgiliau Môn, rydym yn hynod falch o'r cyfraniad mae'r bobl ifanc hyn yn ei wneud yn eu cymunedau.

Mae'r digwyddiad heddiw yn arddangos sut mae Grŵp Llandrillo Menai yn gweithio gyda busnesau a phobl ifanc i ddatblygu gyrfaoedd a chynnig cyfleoedd iddynt ddatblygu'r sgiliau maen nhw eu hangen i fynd ymlaen i yrfaoedd llwyddiannus a boddhaus.

Yno hefyd roedd bwyty Oyster Catcher o Rosneigr, Carelink Services Ltd - cwmni o Ogledd Cymru sy'n cynorthwyo unigolion ledled Ynys Môn i fyw yn annibynnol yn eu cartrefi, a Chyngor Sir Ynys Môn. Mae'r cyngor yn cyflogi prentisiaid mewn amrywiaeth o feysydd, o blymio a gwresogi i wasanaethau i gwsmeriaid a rheoli.

Virginia Crosbie oedd yn croesawu 'Diwrnod Sgiliau Môn/ Anglesey Skills Day'a noddwyd y digwyddiad gan Bechtel, Sizewell C, Last Energy, Read Construcion a WSP. Caiff y Rhaglen Brentisiaethau ei hariannu gan Lywodraeth Cymru gyda chefnogaeth gan Gronfa Gymdeithasol Ewrop.