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Staff member from CMD Art Department has designed a Baton to celebrate Snowdonia National Park's 70th birthday.

Miriam Margaret Jones, a 3d design lecturer at Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor, Dolgellau, was recently commissioned to create a Baton for Snowdonia National Park's 70th anniversary celebrations.

The Baton was transported from northern Snowdonia to southern Snowdonia, mostly on foot, passing through rivers, mountains and lakes on its journey. The National Park staff carried the Baton during the trip.

The Baton is made of oak wood, with an aluminum metal insert with the outline of the mountains of Snowdonia cut out, through which is decorated Welsh wool.

Miriam Margaret Jones said

“The inspiration for the 70s Snowdonia baton was the use of natural materials commonly sourced from Wales such as oak, sheep's wool and copper. The endurance of the attractive and unique materials also needed to be considered to mark the 70th anniversary of the Snowdonia National Park. It's a simple design, with the metal mounts outlined in the wood. The words 'Let's Know the Language of the Wind ...' on the baton are inspired by the poet Eryri Ivor ap Glyn's 'Snowdonia Prologue' poem as part of the celebration. ”

“The baton will be carried 'like the wind' by Park staff, members, volunteers and partners on a sponsored walk to celebrate the 70th anniversary of its inception. "

The Baton was transported from northern Snowdonia to southern Snowdonia, mostly on foot, passing through rivers, mountains and lakes on its journey. The National Park staff carried the Baton during the trip.

The Baton is made of oak wood, with an aluminum metal insert with the outline of the mountains of Snowdonia cut out, through which is decorated Welsh wool.

Miriam Margaret Jones said

“The inspiration for the 70s Snowdonia baton was the use of natural materials commonly sourced from Wales such as oak, sheep's wool and copper. The endurance of the attractive and unique materials also needed to be considered to mark the 70th anniversary of the Snowdonia National Park. It's a simple design, with the metal mounts outlined in the wood. The words 'Let's Know the Language of the Wind ...' on the baton are inspired by the poet Eryri Ivor ap Glyn's 'Snowdonia Prologue' poem as part of the celebration. ”

“The baton will be carried 'like the wind' by Park staff, members, volunteers and partners on a sponsored walk to celebrate the 70th anniversary of its inception. "

Cafodd y Baton ei gludo o Ogledd Eryri i dde Eryri, a hynny gan amlaf ar droed, gan fynd drwy afonydd, mynyddoedd a llynnoedd ar ei daith. Staff y Parc Cenedlaethol oedd yn cludo’r Baton yn ystod y daith.

Mae'r Baton wedi ei durnio o bren derw, gyda mewnosodiad o fetel alwminiwm gydag amlinelliad o fynyddoedd Eryri wedi ei dorri allan, ceir gwlân dafad Gymreig wedi ei wehyddu drwyddo fel addurn arno.

Dywedodd Miriam Margaret Jones

“Ysbrydoliaeth y baton Eryri’n 70 oedd defnyddio defnyddiau naturiol sy’n deillio yn aml o Gymru megis pren derw, gwlân dafad a chopr. Oedd angen cysidro dygnwch y defnyddiau ag iddo fod yn ddeniadol ac unigryw hefyd i ddynodi dathliad 70 mlynedd Parc Cenedlaethol Eryri. Mae’n ddyluniad syml, gydag amlinelliad y mynyddoedd mewn metel wedi fewn osod i’r pren. Mae’r geiriau ‘Cawn adnabod iaith y gwynt…’ ar y baton wedi eu hysbrydoli gan gerdd ‘Holwyddoreg Eryri’ y Prifardd Ifor ap Glyn yn rhan o’r dathliad.”

“Bydd y baton yn cael ei gario ‘fel y gwynt’ gan staff, aelodau, gwirfoddolwyr a phartneriaid y Parc ar daith noddedig i ddathlu 70 mlwyddiant ers ei sefydlu.