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Student Chosen to Attend COP26 in Glasgow!

A Coleg Menai student has been selected to represent the young people of Wales at the COP26 climate summit next month.

Clara Newman, who studies Art & Design Level 3 at Parc Menai, is also a Youth Climate Ambassador for Wales - a group of just 12 young people from across Wales who are passionate Climate Activists fighting for Climate Justice.

The COP26 summit, held from October 31st to November 12th 2021, will bring parties together to accelerate action towards the goals of the Paris Agreement and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.

Clara will be attending events in the ‘Green Zone’, supported by staff from ‘Size of Wales’ where she will create content for blogs, podcasts, and film her experiences of being part of the summit. The climate ambassadors will also be hosting a panel event in the Green Zone on November 10th.

Clara said, “I am pleased to be representing the youth of Wales at COP26. It feels like a big responsibility and I hope that, as climate ambassadors, we can make a small difference to creating a more sustainable world”.

Fflur Rees Jones, Assistant Principal at Coleg Menai, said “As a college, we are very proud of Clara’s achievement and wish her well in this key role. Clara will be representing the young people of Wales and will play an invaluable role in encouraging and mobilising the wider communities to address the challenge of climate change”.

To find out more about the COP26 summit, click here.

Clara Newman, who studies Art & Design Level 3 at Parc Menai, is also a Youth Climate Ambassador for Wales - a group of just 12 young people from across Wales who are passionate Climate Activists fighting for Climate Justice.

The COP26 summit, held from October 31st to November 12th 2021, will bring parties together to accelerate action towards the goals of the Paris Agreement and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.

Clara will be attending events in the ‘Green Zone’, supported by staff from ‘Size of Wales’ where she will create content for blogs, podcasts, and film her experiences of being part of the summit. The climate ambassadors will also be hosting a panel event in the Green Zone on November 10th.

Clara said, “I am pleased to be representing the youth of Wales at COP26. It feels like a big responsibility and I hope that, as climate ambassadors, we can make a small difference to creating a more sustainable world”.

Fflur Rees Jones, Assistant Principal at Coleg Menai, said “As a college, we are very proud of Clara’s achievement and wish her well in this key role. Clara will be representing the young people of Wales and will play an invaluable role in encouraging and mobilising the wider communities to address the challenge of climate change”.

To find out more about the COP26 summit, click here.

Mae Clara Newman, sy'n astudio Celf a Dylunio Lefel 3 ym Mharc Menai, hefyd yn Llysgennad Hinsawdd dros Ieuenctid ar gyfer Cymru - grŵp o ddim ond 12 o bobl ifanc o bob cwr o Gymru sydd yn Selogion dros yr Hinsawdd ac yn ymladd dros Gyfiawnder ym Maes Hinsawdd.

Bydd cynhadledd COP26, a gynhelir o Hydref 31 Hyd Dachwedd 12 2021, yn dod a phartïon at ei gilydd i gyflymu'r gweithredu tuag at nodau Cytundeb Paris a Chonfensiwn Fframwaith y Cenhedloedd Unedig ar Newid Hinsawdd.

Bydd Clara yn mynychu digwyddiadau yn y "Parth Gwyrdd", wedi ei chefnogi gan staff o "Maint Cymru" lle bydd yn creu cynnwys ar gyfer blogiau, podlediadau ac yn ffilmio ei phrofiadau o fod yn rhan o'r uwchgynhadledd. Bydd y llysgenhadon hinsawdd hefyd yn cynnal digwyddiad panel yn y Parth Gwyrdd ar Dachwedd 10fed.

Dywedodd Clara, "Mae'n dda gen i gynrychioli ieuenctid Cymru yn COP26. Mae'n teimlo fel cyfrifoldeb mawr a gobeithiaf, fel llysgenhadon hinsawdd, y medrwn wneud gwahaniaeth bach i greu byd mwy cynaliadwy".

Dywedodd Fflur Rees Jones, Pennaeth Cynorthwyol yng Ngholeg Menai "Fel coleg, rydym yn falch iawn o gyflawniad Clara a dymunwn yn dda iddi yn y rôl allweddol hwn. Bydd Clara yn cynrychioli pobl ifanc Cymru a bydd yn chwarae rôl amhrisiadwy wrth annog ac uno’r cymunedau ehangach i wynebu'r her o newid hinsawdd".

I ddarganfod mwy am yr uwchgynhadledd COP26, cliciwch yma.