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North Wales Tourism innovation events for Conwy businesses launch on Monday

The best local and international knowledge and expertise will be shared with Conwy tourism and hospitality businesses at a series of 10 free events which begin on Monday.

The Tourism Innovation Programme events, which include keynote speakers, facilitated discussion forums, workshops, masterclasses and training, aim to provide valuable knowledge and insight for businesses to take away and apply immediately.

This programme is funded by the UK Government through the UK Community Renewal Fund and supported by Grŵp Llandrillo Menai and Mostyn Estates. Visit for full details about the events and how to register.

A ‘Best of Conwy’ networking event, which aims to build partnerships and stronger local supply chains, launches the series on Monday at Venue Cymru, Llandudno from 10.30am to 1pm.

A panel session on “Sourcing and supporting local” will be chaired by Ashley Rogers, chief executive of North Wales Mersey Dee Business Council. Panellists include

Sean Taylor, Zip World owner, farmer Gareth Jones, Adam Williams, Tir Prince Group, Glenn Evans, managing director of Snowdonia Hospitality & Leisure Limited, Gareth Jones, UK Leisure Living managing director, Caroline Roberts, Penderyn, Emiko Corney, Japanese tourism ambassador for North Wales.

The events continue with a Zoom webinar on’ Sustainability’ on Wednesday, October 19 from 10.30am to 12.30pm hosted by Frankie Hobro, owner and director of Anglesey Sea Zoo and Marine Resource Centre who will be joined by Paul Conroy from Byway.

Later the same day, from 2pm to 4pm, Green Key, an international, voluntary eco-label developed specifically for the tourism sector, hosts a ‘Green Agenda’ event at the Quay Hotel & Spa, Deganwy. The event will highlight how Green Key accreditation can benefit businesses and Wales as a sustainable destination.

Adventure Parc Snowdonia, Dolgarrog hosts two workshops on Friday, October 21. ‘Getting customers to help you meet your sustainability goals’ will be the morning topic for Denise Hampson, a consultant who will advise how customers can help a business become more planet-friendly.

In the afternoon, Laura Gainor, an employer branding consultant, will share key principles for ‘Attracting talent to your business’ With tourism and hospitality facing a workforce shortage, she will advise businesses how to stand out as a great place to work.

‘Sustainable Innovation: Designing for people, planet AND profit’ is the topic of a Zoom webinar on Monday, October 24, from 2pm to 4pm. Host Chris Bellamy, a sustainable design and strategy expert, will explain how business growth can benefit the environment and society.

Creative copywriter Carla Hawkins hosts a Zoom webinar titled ‘How to write great copy’ on Wednesday, October 26, from 6pm to 7.30pm. She will reveal how copywriting can make a business stand out by making their advertising and media channels work harder.

Training consultant Melanie Cash will deliver a masterclass on ‘Developing excellent customer service skills’ at the Imperial Hotel, Llandudno on Thursday, October 27, from 10am to 1pm.

The series ends with two events at Venue Cymru, Llandudno on Monday, October 31. The morning event will see Detective Superintendent Paul Peters, director of The Cyber Resilience Centre for Wales, focus on ‘Cyber Security’, highlighting simple steps to protect against the threat of cybercrime

The afternoon topic will be ‘How will your business benefit from the Tourism Xchange Great Britain platform?’ This digital, one-stop exchange enables businesses to manage live availability, pricing and bookings across multiple distributors.

Gary Jones, Tourism Innovation Hub Project Manager at Busnes@llandrillomenai, said: “The tourism sector has proved itself to be innovative and resilient in the face of continuing challenges this year. This exciting, action-packed fortnight of events is aimed at continuing to support the sector with the knowledge and tools to adapt to current and future challenges.”

The Tourism Innovation Programme events, which include keynote speakers, facilitated discussion forums, workshops, masterclasses and training, aim to provide valuable knowledge and insight for businesses to take away and apply immediately.

This programme is funded by the UK Government through the UK Community Renewal Fund and supported by Grŵp Llandrillo Menai and Mostyn Estates. Visit for full details about the events and how to register.

A ‘Best of Conwy’ networking event, which aims to build partnerships and stronger local supply chains, launches the series on Monday at Venue Cymru, Llandudno from 10.30am to 1pm.

A panel session on “Sourcing and supporting local” will be chaired by Ashley Rogers, chief executive of North Wales Mersey Dee Business Council. Panellists include

Sean Taylor, Zip World owner, farmer Gareth Jones, Adam Williams, Tir Prince Group, Glenn Evans, managing director of Snowdonia Hospitality & Leisure Limited, Gareth Jones, UK Leisure Living managing director, Caroline Roberts, Penderyn, Emiko Corney, Japanese tourism ambassador for North Wales.

The events continue with a Zoom webinar on’ Sustainability’ on Wednesday, October 19 from 10.30am to 12.30pm hosted by Frankie Hobro, owner and director of Anglesey Sea Zoo and Marine Resource Centre who will be joined by Paul Conroy from Byway.

Later the same day, from 2pm to 4pm, Green Key, an international, voluntary eco-label developed specifically for the tourism sector, hosts a ‘Green Agenda’ event at the Quay Hotel & Spa, Deganwy. The event will highlight how Green Key accreditation can benefit businesses and Wales as a sustainable destination.

Adventure Parc Snowdonia, Dolgarrog hosts two workshops on Friday, October 21. ‘Getting customers to help you meet your sustainability goals’ will be the morning topic for Denise Hampson, a consultant who will advise how customers can help a business become more planet-friendly.

In the afternoon, Laura Gainor, an employer branding consultant, will share key principles for ‘Attracting talent to your business’ With tourism and hospitality facing a workforce shortage, she will advise businesses how to stand out as a great place to work.

‘Sustainable Innovation: Designing for people, planet AND profit’ is the topic of a Zoom webinar on Monday, October 24, from 2pm to 4pm. Host Chris Bellamy, a sustainable design and strategy expert, will explain how business growth can benefit the environment and society.

Creative copywriter Carla Hawkins hosts a Zoom webinar titled ‘How to write great copy’ on Wednesday, October 26, from 6pm to 7.30pm. She will reveal how copywriting can make a business stand out by making their advertising and media channels work harder.

Training consultant Melanie Cash will deliver a masterclass on ‘Developing excellent customer service skills’ at the Imperial Hotel, Llandudno on Thursday, October 27, from 10am to 1pm.

The series ends with two events at Venue Cymru, Llandudno on Monday, October 31. The morning event will see Detective Superintendent Paul Peters, director of The Cyber Resilience Centre for Wales, focus on ‘Cyber Security’, highlighting simple steps to protect against the threat of cybercrime

The afternoon topic will be ‘How will your business benefit from the Tourism Xchange Great Britain platform?’ This digital, one-stop exchange enables businesses to manage live availability, pricing and bookings across multiple distributors.

Gary Jones, Tourism Innovation Hub Project Manager at Busnes@llandrillomenai, said: “The tourism sector has proved itself to be innovative and resilient in the face of continuing challenges this year. This exciting, action-packed fortnight of events is aimed at continuing to support the sector with the knowledge and tools to adapt to current and future challenges.”

Mae digwyddiadau’r Rhaglen Arloesi ar Gyfer Twristiaeth, sy’n cynnwys siaradwyr cyweirnod, fforymau trafod wedi’u hwyluso, gweithdai, dosbarthiadau meistr a hyfforddiant, yn anelu i ddarparu gwybodaeth werthfawr a mewnwelediad i fusnesau fynd gyda hwy a’i ddefnyddio yn syth.

Ariennir y rhaglen hon gan Lywodraeth y Deyrnas Unedig (DU) drwy Gronfa Adfywio Cymunedol Llywodraeth y DU, gyda chefnogaeth gan Grŵp Llandrillo Menai a Mostyn Estates. Ewch i am y manylion llawn ynghylch y digwyddiadau a sut i gofrestru.

Bydd digwyddiad rhwydweithio ‘Y Gorau o Gonwy’, sy’n anelu i adeiladu partneriaethau a chadwyni cyflenwi lleol cryfach, yn lansio’r gyfres ddydd Llun yn Venue Cymru, Llandudno o 10.30am i 1pm.

Bydd sesiwn panel ar “Caffael a chefnogi lleol” yn cael ei gadeirio gan Ashley Rogers, prif weithredwr y North Wales Mersey Dee Business Council. Bydd y panelwyr yn cynnwys Sean Taylor, perchennog Zip World, y ffermwr Gareth Jones, Adam Williams, Tir Prince Group, Glenn Evans, rheolwr gyfarwyddwr Snowdonia Hospitality & Leisure Limited, Gareth Jones, rheolwr gyfarwyddwr UK Leisure Living, Caroline Roberts, Penderyn, Emiko Corney, llysgennad twristiaeth Japan ar gyfer Gogledd Cymru.

Bydd y digwyddiadau’n parhau gyda gweminar Zoom ar ‘Gynaliadwyedd’, ddydd Mercher, Hydref 19eg o 10.30am i 12.30pm a gynhelir gan Frankie Hobro, perchennog a chyfarwyddwr Sŵ Môr a Chanolfan Adnoddau Morol Môn, yng nghwmni Paul Conroy o Byway.

Yn nes ymlaen yr un diwrnod, o 2pm i 4pm, bydd Green Key, label-eco gwirfoddol rhyngwladol sydd wedi ei ddatblygu’n benodol ar gyfer y sector twristiaeth, yn cynnal digwyddiad ‘Agenda Werdd’ yn y Quay Hotel & Spa, Deganwy. Bydd y digwyddiad hwn yn amlygu sut y gall achrediad Green Key fod o fudd i fusnesau ac i Gymru fel cyrchfan cynaliadwy.

Bydd Adventure Parc Snowdonia, Dolgarrog yn cynnal dau weithdy ddydd Gwener, Hydref 21ain. ‘Cael cwsmeriaid i’ch helpu i gyrraedd eich nodau cynaliadwyedd’ fydd pwnc trafod y bore gan Denise Hampson, ymgynghorydd fydd yn cynghori ar sut y gall cwsmeriaid helpu busnes i ddod yn fwy cyfeillgar i’r blaned.

Yn y prynhawn, bydd Laura Gainor, ymgynghorydd brandio i gyflogwyr, yn rhannu’r egwyddorion allweddol ar gyfer ‘Denu talent i’ch busnes’. Gyda thwristiaeth a lletygarwch yn wynebu prinder gweithlu, bydd yn cynghori busnesau ar sut i sefyll allan fel lle ardderchog i weithio ynddo.

‘Arloesi Cynaliadwy: Dylunio ar gyfer pobl, y blaned AC elw’ fydd pwnc trafod gweminar Zoom ddydd Llun, Hydref 24, o 2pm i 4pm. Bydd y gwestai Chris Bellamy, arbenigwr dylunio a strategaeth gynaliadwy, yn egluro sut y gall twf busnes fod o fudd i’r amgylchedd a chymdeithas.

Bydd yr ysgrifennydd copi creadigol Carla Hawkins yn cynnal gweminar Zoom dan y teitl ‘Sut i ysgrifennu copi ardderchog’, ddydd Mercher, Hydref 26, o 6pm i 7.30pm. Bydd yn datgelu sut y gall ysgrifennu copi wneud i fusnesau sefyll allan trwy wneud i’w hysbysebu a’u sianeli cyfryngau weithio’n galetach.

Bydd yr ymgynghorydd hyfforddiant Melanie Cash yn rhoi dosbarth meistr ar ‘Ddatblygu sgiliau gwasanaeth cwsmer ardderchog’ yn ngwesty’r Imperial Hotel, Llandudno ddydd Iau, Hydref 27, o 10am i 1pm.

Bydd y gyfres yn cloi gyda dau ddigwyddiad yn Venue Cymru, Llandudno ddydd Llun, Hydref 31. Bydd digwyddiad y bore gyda’r Ditectif Uwcharolygydd Paul Peters, cyfarwyddwr y Ganolfan Seibergadernid yng Nghymru, yn canolbwyntio ar ‘Ddiogelwch Seiber’, gan amlygu rhai camau syml i ddiogelu rhag y bygythiad o seiberdroseddu.

Pwnc trafod y prynhawn fydd ‘Sut fydd eich busnes yn elwa o’r platfform Tourism Xchange Great Britain?’ Mae’r gyfnewidfa un-stop digidol yma’n galluogi busnesau i reoli argaeledd, prisio ac archebion yn fyw, ac ar draws nifer o ddosbarthwyr.

Dywedodd Gary Jones, Rheolwr Prosiect yr Hwb Arloesi Twristiaeth yn Busnes@llandrillomenai: “Mae’r sector twristiaeth wedi profi ei hun i fod yn arloesol ac yn wydn wrth wynebu heriau parhaus eleni ac mae’r pythefnos cyffrous a llawn egni hwn o ddigwyddiadau wedi’i anelu at barhau i gefnogi’r sector gyda’r wybodaeth a’r offer i addasu i heriau’r presennol a’r dyfodol.
